Matt Walsh Challenges Twitter on Their Supposed “Free Speech” Claim – IOTW Report

Matt Walsh Challenges Twitter on Their Supposed “Free Speech” Claim

In defiance of what Twitter claims is “hate speech,” Matt Walsh is going to upload his documentary “What is a Woman” for free on Twitter tonight.

Twitter has already banned it.

BTW, if you’ve not seen it, I highly recommend it.

4 Comments on Matt Walsh Challenges Twitter on Their Supposed “Free Speech” Claim

  1. Don’t need to be a scientist to have common sense.
    The old man has it right.
    I think that the more that people are educated, the less common sense they have.

    A Southernism:
    “He’s educated beyond his intelligence”

  2. I think that when Elon sees this he will fix it. Proof, though, that Twitter is a big tech company with a lot of stuff in place that still needs correcting. More specifically, this appears to be a human response from at least one person rather than just pre-Elon programming, meaning there are still employees who don’t understand ‘free speech’.


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