Mattis Fulfilling Trump’s Vision on ISIS – Obliteration – IOTW Report

Mattis Fulfilling Trump’s Vision on ISIS – Obliteration


President Donald Trump promised during his campaign that he would destroy ISIS as quickly as possible. He said on his first day in office he would convene his top generals and order them to provide a plan to eradicate ISIS once and for all within 30 days.

Mattis: Day One

A variety of fighters, bombers and remotely piloted aircraft engaged in the bombing run, which saw 25 strikes in Syria and six in Iraq. In Syria, two strikes destroyed ISIS units and artillery near the town of Bab. ISIS forces in Raqqa, the terrorist group’s de facto capital, took a heavy beating, as 22 strikes destroyed 12 tactical units, nine fighting positions, two underground improvised explosive bomb factories and an ISIS headquarters. The final strike targeted two ISIS oil wells in Deir ez Zour.

ISIS forces in Iraq suffered several casualties as well. One strike in the city of Rutbah destroyed a tactical unit and vehicle, two weapons caches and a mortar. Another in Beiji left a unit and vehicle destroyed. A strike in Kisik destroyed a building and tactical unit. Another in Tal Afar also destroyed a unit, truck and command node. The city of Mosul, which acts as the terrorist group’s regional capital in Iraq, received two strikes, which destroyed two units, three fighting positions, a tank, and a car bomb factory.

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15 Comments on Mattis Fulfilling Trump’s Vision on ISIS – Obliteration

  1. Where is DC getting its info? Can’t find any corroborating, independent stories anywhere else. Sounds fishy. This is big news and no wires or foreign services carrying this story.

  2. Can we start by shit-canning the sissy-ass term “ISIL”? President Trump needs to make it clear that any State Dept flunkie using “ISIL” will be summarily dismissed.

  3. An interesting parallel with our own border situation: Trump understands that if you can’t defend territory you don’t exist as a nation-state.

    A simple concept, but one that seems to elude many people. Let us defend our own territory, and make ISIS defend its claims.

  4. The first thing the department defense needs to do is to root all the Islamic infiltrators out of the intelligence community. Then once the moles can no longer leak information to the enimedia then it will be much easier for the military to functionally strike ISIS where they live.

  5. Mattis is going to go through Islam like shit through a goose.

    Notice I didn’t say “Radical Islam”?

    There’s no such thing as Radical Islam. Islam is Islam, there are no qualifiers – Admiral Ace Lyons.

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