Maximus Retardicus – IOTW Report

Maximus Retardicus

39 Comments on Maximus Retardicus

  1. not many people know this, but one day MaxiPad waddled out of the hut, squatted in the river … & promptly killed all the fish …. becoming the inspiration for the Douche Bag
    she is also the catalyst behind the invention of the flush toilet …
    & soap … & deodorant … & bug spray … & hari kari … & eye bleach … &

  2. otoh … what you got against the Romans? … one of the greatest civilizations in the world
    Maximus Padicus can’t make anything but turd pies in her $4.5 mill mansion

  3. How many horses had be slaughtered to get all that horse hair for all those bad wigs? They remove it from just above one horse’s ass and put it on top of another horse’s ass. Go figure…

  4. That feckless baboon has SINGLE HANDILY RUINED TALK RADIO TODAY!!!
    🙁 🙁 🙁 AAAARRRggghhhhh!!!!

    You can’t listen to ANYONE without them playing five minute soundbites of that nasty creature and her filthy rotten voice.

    Rush-check, Hannity-check, Larry Elder-check, Joe Paggs-check, Mike Gallager-check!

  5. Sorry BFH but ya triggered me.

    I have know more real retards in my life, my own brother, and those retards , for the most part, gentle, genteel citizens. Just don’t trigger or trip wire them.

    Juuust like any of us.

    Think Rain Man.

    This is just another word that the left has manipulated. Don’t fall into that trap.

    Now how about Imbeciles?

    “The concept is closely associated with psychology, psychiatry, criminology, and eugenics. However, the term imbecile quickly passed into vernacular usage as a derogatory term, and fell out of professional use in the 20th century[11] in favor of mental retardation.”

    Retards have a higher pay grade than imbeciles.

    Waters…IS and IMBECILE.

    Waters Imbecilicus. Yeah that’s it.

    ‘People with an IQ between 0 and 20 or 25 were classified as IDIOTS; people with IQs between 20 or 25 and 50 were IMBECILES; and people with IQs between 50 and 70 were MORONS. MORONS were clearly the highest-functioning group in all cases, and ranked just below the DULL-MINDED (who ranged from 70 to 90)


    Trumpus Maximus is about 150 IQ?

    That’s six times higher than that asshole/ IMBECILE.


  6. Ghost- I, too, have a cousin who is slow. The word retarded is just a word and it’s used to describe things other than people who are ‘mentally slow.’
    It’s also a musical term and it means ‘tardy’ or ‘late’ in Italian.
    Every term you mentioned, and more, can be labeled insulting.
    Anyway, I think Maximus Retardicus rolls off the tongue better than Maximus (enter scientific word).

  7. I like BFH but sometimes he fails to show the libs in their ‘down-to-earth ugliness.
    I know that this particular representation of this particular POS is much too flattering to the real vile and hatefulness of such a piece of shit.
    But I commend his restraint to remain civil.

  8. You don’t want to call those people up for sex either. First, they have stumpy but freaky strong legs and second…. second….sigh…

    All I’ll say about that is that their “O” faces belong on totem poles.

  9. notoetactics
    dry pow-pow-power
    NBC demons burning blue / green with Hate
    Summer-simmer bubbles in garbage juice
    Oh, the fun still to come
    Exposing rotten souls to a world-wide audience

    MSNBC regular witch ole miss Elise Jordan got some splainin to do. Oh oh.

  10. @ BFH – okay than don’t ‘retard’ the word then.

    “physical abnormalities of the brain.”

    Call them something else then.

    How about DAMAGING. OR Damaged. The left that is, not retards.

    How many ‘libtards’ are out there?

    The LEFT uses the same ole words…as well.


    I know…not IOTW PC.

    Who cares. MelaniaJacket?


  11. @ MJA – Real retards are faster and better at doing certain things far better than MAD Maxine, like processing information.

    That said can we find a new word?


  12. From what I can remember from Jr. High School Latin class, I think that the “-us” ending denotes masculinity, so maybe it should be “Maxima Retardica”.

    I could be wrong, though.

  13. @ MJA – forgot to mention something “The word retarded is just a word.”

    What does retard mean? Slow?

    Here ya go.

    Retard, retard…. retard.

    Racist, racist…. racist.

    Tired yet?

    What do words mean? When they are used? How they are ABUSED?


  14. As a Landscape Consultant, I can tell you that we use the word Retarded often, in reference to Plants with Abnormalities of any kind.
    They often become the most valued Plants, as they develop unique characteristics.


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