Maxine Ekseterah Waters Doubles Down – IOTW Report

Maxine Ekseterah Waters Doubles Down

She is not backing off her stupid speech where she called on dirtbag zombies to attack conservatives in public. Ekseterah, ekseterah.

15 Comments on Maxine Ekseterah Waters Doubles Down

  1. Whoever said “No good deed goes unpunished” must’ve had Mad Maxine in mind since she attempts punishment on all who do good.

    Sad sad sad tax dollars are wasted on this anti-American.

  2. I wonder if this is a winning position with her constituents? Not that they’d ever not vote for her. But I do wonder what blacks think about this immigrant (Mexicans) influx into our country and how it affects them?

  3. On another link you show her re-enacting the Slim Pickens Dr. Strangelove scene riding the bomb and waving the cowboy hat. She is not the cowboy hat gal. That is Fredrick Wilson.


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