Maxine Gives Up Her Impeachment “Pipe Dream” – IOTW Report

Maxine Gives Up Her Impeachment “Pipe Dream”



Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), who has been calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment since he took office in 2016, has admitted there is no longer any point in pursuing the ‘pipe dream.’

Waters, who became a leading Democrat in the anti-Trump “Resistance” in Congress, and famously said she had been ‘sent by God to stop Trump,’ frequently called for the president’s impeachment before the conclusion of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. But the Democrat’s priorities seem to have changed. More

The current chair of the House Financial Services Committee now claims “that forceful removal of the president has “never been discussed” as a realistic strategy among Democrats.” More

13 Comments on Maxine Gives Up Her Impeachment “Pipe Dream”

  1. This evil, mush-mouthed harridan thinks there’s “no longer” any point in pursuing this “pipe dream?”
    When was there a point?
    When has there EVER been a point to pursuing a “pipe dream?”

    This creature “represents” some 700,000 American citizens!

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Damn. Every time that air headed moron screeched “peech fodafy’ I about fell outta the chair. She and her husband would wind up in the slammer if the media put those two frauds under the microscope for a couple days. Damn lucky she hasn’t been impeached.


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