Maxine Waters Angling For Reparations – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Angling For Reparations

American Mirror-

“We need someone in the presidency who not only has good sense but understands diplomacy and understands what we need to do to have peace in this world so we can all look forward to the possibility that we’re someday going to have a world that’s about peace and justice and respect for individual liberty,” Water said.

“Is that your stump speech for 2020?” Rye asked.

“And of course, we’ve got to get the White House back.”

She continued, “If we want to get to the point where we can get reparations, we’ve got to have the power to do that, Number 1, by having a supportive president would be wonderful, but taking back the House would be absolutely wonderful.


24 Comments on Maxine Waters Angling For Reparations

  1. I made it 20 sec.
    How frickin’ stupid would
    you have to be to listen to her
    and vote for her ? and the voice
    of a harpie from hell.

  2. Reparations – you just know the Dems see what South Africa is doing taking land away from whites and they are really jealous. Keep up that talk and Trump will truly win in a landslide.

  3. I’m for it.
    I want reparations from the Irish, the Scots, the English (after Culloden we were virtual slaves, and then were asked to leave Scotland after some mysterious sheep incidences, we immigrated to Ireland, and were later asked to leave because of some further sheep disappearances), and the Italians (for the Roman conquests – my ancestors suffered terribly from Caesar’s Rhine campaign). And I want them NOW!
    Come to think of it, the fukkin Canadians owe me for not shrugging off King George III, when we did – gave him a base of operations for the Revolution and the War of 1812 – fuck them – gimee money!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. BFH,

    Gather up the best of Maxine Waters videos every month and we can have a “Maxine Waters” ridicule post at a specified day and time. It could be something like a combination of Orwell’s 1984 Two Minute Hate and what we do on State of the Union addresses. This shit for brains is entertainment. How people take her seriously boggles my mind, but then again, I am not a progressive.

  5. If you hold an Obama phone up to your ear you will the reparations
    Blacks have their reparations already.
    They are in the deposits into their EBT cards, their Section 8 housing subsidies, affirmative action, and excused feral animal behavior.

  6. Tell you what, Auntie Maxine, I’ll vote for your reparations from The United States government, if you vote for my reparations from The Federal Reserve. Dealsy?

  7. “We need someone in the presidency who… understands what we need to do to have peace in this world”

    Understood that Maxine has the intelligence of a doorstop, but what she is saying clearly is “No reparations, no peace.” IOW, blacks will be a perpetual danger unless they get paid. (HA!)
    If she is inciting violent shakedown in addition to all the communistic loot ‘her people’ already receive, we’re closer to showdown, throwdown time.

  8. I think she means “repatriated” to Africa not “reparations” of a financial sort.

    But, seein as how she slurs and sputters her words, I can’t really tell.
    She ain’t speaking Engrish – some weird dialect of jive – or Swahili.

    izlamo delenda est …

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