Maxine Waters Has Finally Found the Venue She Was Spawned For – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Has Finally Found the Venue She Was Spawned For

On The View, Waters says that when she’s done with Trump’s impeachment she will then go after Pence (?What the hell did Pence do? What the hell did Trump do, for that matter?).

But, to punctuate her simpleness, the wig-addled small brain said “Putin” instead of “Pence,” and had to be corrected.

When you’re corrected by idiots, it’s time to go… yes, go, to that great wig hunting ground in the… ground. (She’s not going to the sky.)

ht/ annie

22 Comments on Maxine Waters Has Finally Found the Venue She Was Spawned For

  1. This idiot fails to point out some Key Points: 1) What’s the High Crime or Misdemeanor for impeachment? 2) with a majority Repub House, it won’t pass a vote. But when she has constituents and an audience as stupid as those who watch The View, facts don’t matter.

  2. Jarhead, or Mr Cracka if you please,

    1. Think they can’t gin up something credible sounding out of thin air? The media will chime in like trumpets of Gabriel and it will be non-stop until the trial in the Senate. 2. If the last 6 mos is anything to go by, it’s possible the R/D balance in the House may not have anything to do with it. Given the chance, the deep staters, R or D, will gladly wave goodbye, given the chance. I don’t know that I’d start counting votes just yet. They may think that Pence is a little bit statist deep down (he hasn’t completely sold me yet) and may be easier for them to work with or around.

  3. “reclaiming my time, reclaiming my time, reclaiming my time”

    put one of them new fangled stickers on it maxie.

    Trump needs to ‘reclaim his time.’
    He should be able to have another 6 months of office in his first term, because of the congressional BS.
    Somewhere in the oval office there’s the famous “pen and a phone”- do it Mr. President.

  4. @JoeSquid:

    Thanks for a good belly laugh, Joe!

    Maxine is a pitiful thang who doesn’t have the ‘brain power’ to know when her time is up. Go back to your mansion, Maxine, bc there’s not one waiting for you in the sky.

    PS: I’m thinking that under the wig, she is really BALD, and those wigs are fastened down with GORILLA GLUE (appropriate, isn’t it?) !!!

  5. She Like Many of Her Cohorts, go on Shows and Basically Pontificate a Fantasy World Devoid of Any Solid Backing… People Don’t Know Maxi’s Job is to Put out False Conspiracies !!!

  6. Where’s that drunk punch throwing Russian when he’s needed? He’d shatter her empty noggin with one punch. Then they could have a contest to see which one of them makes the least sense. What a horrible nasty person.

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