Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint for Lucrative Campaign Operation That Pays Daughter – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint for Lucrative Campaign Operation That Pays Daughter


Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) is the subject of a complaint filed to the Federal Election Commission for a campaign operation that has paid out hundreds of thousands of dollars to her daughter, according to reports.

Waters runs a slate mailer, or endorsement mailer, operation through Citizens for Waters, her campaign committee, and has done so for years. The operation has proved lucrative to both the campaign’s coffers and to Karen Waters, Maxine’s daughter.

Karen has collected more than $750,000 in payments for running the operation, the Washington Free Beacon previously reported. The slate mailers also pull in lucrative cash for the Waters campaign. In order to appear on the mailer, a politician must make a donation to the committee.

The mailers are sent to more than 200,000 residents in South Central Los Angeles, where Waters holds considerable clout. A list of candidates “endorsed” by Waters appear on the mailer along with brief quotes.

During the most recent election cycle, a handful of judicial candidates in California have combined to pay the campaign tens of thousands of dollars for a spot on the mailer. more here

8 Comments on Maxine Waters Hit with FEC Complaint for Lucrative Campaign Operation That Pays Daughter

  1. The Federal Election Committee is a political tool of both parties and a toothless tiger.
    Typically all they will do is fine her campaign fund. She’ll send one mail solicitation and make even more money to funnel to her family and friends.
    THE FEC is useless, except for providing cover for corrupt practices.

  2. Oooh. A complaint filed? That’ll teach her. More of the same. 2 sets of laws. Nothing will be done. Oh wait. Maybe Trey Gowdy can give her a stern talking to.


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