Maxine Waters: I Don’t Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would Support Hillary Clinton Firing Comey – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters: I Don’t Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would Support Hillary Clinton Firing Comey

Peter Alexander used up a lot of his patience talking to this mental case!

RCP: NBC’s Peter Alexander grills Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Cali.) for her displeasure at President Trump firing FBI Director James Comey after she had announced in January that he has lost all credibility after attending a classified briefing conducted by the now-former director.

In March, Waters issued a press release that read Comey “advanced Russia’s misinformation campaign.”

“I do not necessarily support the president’s decision,” Waters said. ” I think that if the president would have fired him when he first came in, he would not have to be in a position now where he is trying to make up a story about why. It does not meet the smell test.”

However, in the interview Wednesday on MSNBC, asked if she would be okay with a hypothetical President Hillary Clinton dismissing Comey from his position, Waters said yes.

“If she had won the White House, I believe that given what he did to her, and what he tried to do, she should have fired him. Yes,” the California Democrat said.

“So she should have fired him but had he shouldn’t fire him. This is why I’m confused,” Alexander said to Waters.

“No, no you’re not confused,” Waters told Alexander.

“I am confused,” Alexander responded.  MORE HERE

20 Comments on Maxine Waters: I Don’t Support Trump Firing Comey, I Would Support Hillary Clinton Firing Comey

  1. He gave that slow witted witch at least 4 chances to see how she was contradicting herself but she quadrupled down on the stupid.

    Is there a way Tucker Carlson can trick her into doing his show? LOL.

  2. That stellar intellect Auntie Maxine displays is the “brain trust” bubbling to the top of the current Democrat party. The more airtime she is given to display her general ignorance, and the contradictions within her party’s logic, the happier I am.

  3. [opera singer voice]
    she doesn’t make any…. seeee-eeeeehhhhhhhhhhh-ence…!

    Maxine, you’ve truly crossed the bridge from the land of sanity to the world of crazy, mixed up liberal nutcases. Congratulations, I think that you’ll run for president there and win.

  4. Every time she appears on TV with her mushmouth Moms Mabley act, another 10,000 white middle class voters realize the Dems are no longer their party.

    Keep blabbering Maxine.

  5. She needs to join Al-Shart on MSLSD eight hours a day. Replace the soap operas, bitchslap a hood rat interview shows and the evening “news.” “It beez a crisis. We beez that breezistance, join da schtruggle, whitey be rayciss, air and food beez rayciss, Guam ’bout ta tipovah an sheeit.”

    Like Venezuela only dumber.

  6. with democrat leaders such as waters how in the world can they beat republicans at the political messaging game like they do ?

    trump is not even a politician and he smacks the crap out of them daily.

  7. If Hitlery had fired Comey, he would forever be called “disgraced former FBI director Comey” by the MSM, But since it was DJT who fired him, he will forever be considered a victim of fascism.

  8. Well, gee, when a creature with nostrils the size of Maxine Waters’ says something “doesn’t pass the sniff test”, maybe we should believe it. Nah, just kidding the bitch’s James Brown wig is on too tight. She crazy.

  9. You shouldn’t insult the memory of James Brown by using his picture as a meme for Maxine Waters. Mr. Brown was far more intelligent than Sen. Waters. He’s still more intelligent, even though he’s been dead 11 years; Waters is dead from the neck up.

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