Maxine Waters slanders Marine, gets sued – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters slanders Marine, gets sued

And because of her arrogance and blunders, she may not get away with it.

Joe Collins, [Republican] who ran against Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) in the 2020 election, is suing her for defamation after she lied about his military record. – Just the News Podcast.

And he’s running against her again in ’22.

From his campaign website:


California Congressional Candidate Joe Collins Files House Ethics Complaint Requesting Investigation Into Representative Maxine Waters’ Potential Criminal Actions

LOS ANGELES, CA – California Congressional Candidate Joe Collins submitted a complaint to the House Ethics  Committee requesting an investigation into Representative Maxine Waters’ conduct throughout the 2020 election cycle  and her constant calls, threats and dog whistles for violence against Conservatives, Republicans and President Donald  Trump supporters. more

19 Comments on Maxine Waters slanders Marine, gets sued

  1. Oh, I truly hope Mr. Collins complaints are listened to and something is done about that despicable woman. I pray for her and those who know her. She is a disgrace, if ever there was one. She looks so hateful and it’s sad the contempt she has for those that don’t agree with her and SHE GETS AWAY WITH IT. I’m sick just looking at her.

    PRAY everyday!!!

    God Bless us all!

  2. You show me a black conservative and I will show you a man who isn’t afraid to be his own man. I will also show you a man who has made something of himself and a man who will never let you down.

    I have a few friends that fit that description and they all are from the Mississippi Delta, are ex military and absolutely fucking hilarious.

  3. She’s a super skank.
    Being a congress-thing, she could have easily found out what for and when he separated from the military.
    Instead, she lies as she breathes.
    Lazy and smug, too. She could have avoided all of this. lol

  4. His ad least year was great! Except the liberal media would not ply it! He stood in front of the HOUSE SHE LIVE IN! it is miles from “her district”!
    But Dems have always lied. The gazillionaire in “Rosebud” lived in Cal; but he was elected to the House as a Dem(natch) in NY! A mere 7 days, or 3,200 miles away!

    If you live in the West he is well known. His granddaughter at Cal)(UC Easteners!) said America was couurpt and rich could get away with murder! 4 years later she killed 2! A very bad exJARHEAD GOT HE OFF! F.LEE. BAILY.

  5. We all know Redd Foxx was really talking about this corrupt, race-baiting, butt ugly, old piece of Shyte when he came up with the gorilla cookie joke. Doesn’t even live in her own district, lives in a mansion with all the rich white folk as neighbors.

  6. Just who is it that votes for her? She has done nothing for her community all these years. She stays a safe distance away from it at all costs. She has enriched herself and her daughter quite a bit though. Really, how stupid are het constituents? What kind of turnout percentage do they have? Because it seems like they just don’t care.

  7. I don’t know CA-43, but my guess is that the voters there identify with Mad Max and her mumble-mouth bullshit. Mr. Collins has an uphill battle, and he should understand that’s a bad way to fight – he needs to capture the high ground.

    How a maggot from St. Louis gets elected in California is a mystery to me.
    How a mumble-mouth retard can make a living out of bullshit is another.

    But there’s much I don’t understand.

    izlamo delenda est …


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