Maxine Waters Still Not Convinced Smollett Accusation Was a Hoax – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters Still Not Convinced Smollett Accusation Was a Hoax

33 Comments on Maxine Waters Still Not Convinced Smollett Accusation Was a Hoax

  1. Mad Max makes AOC seem like a genius. This woman is such a racist she cannot comprehend any concept beyond her deep seated prejudices.

    It’s ironic that societies race haters are now Black Democrats instead of White Democrats, they certainly are held no more accountable than their 60’s counterparts.

  2. If you want to understand how this mouth-breather was elected, look at her drug-addled, white-hating electorate. Remember the Rodney King riots? Reginald Denny?

    FU, Maxine, racist B!TCH.

  3. Recently binged watch the old Dean Martin roasts 74′ to 84′. Somehow, Lawanda Page (Aunt Esther from Sanford and Son) was inducted as a regular on the dais. Compared to Maxine? Was a f’ing genius and role model for! Reverse female racist ignorant impression, spot on Clay Davis from the Sopranos.
    Thank God fast forward was invented!
    Moe tom, God I hate bagpipes!

  4. Who give a flying f—k what this idiot thinks or says? Why on earth does media cover such loons as her, Shiff, Cortez and the rest of those fools. Rational thinking people with any intellect whatsoever recognize what blithering idiots they all are.

  5. She’s convinced that Trump hired the two Nigerians to take the blame, and had a staffer write the check. Two white, Trump, supporters really did the attack and Jussie was man enough to fight them off while holding his cell phone and sandwich. Any day now, Maxine will ask Mueller to expand his investigation.

  6. Race, Skin color, and in most cases Religion have nothing to do with the fact that our country is on the HIGHWAY TO HELL!!! I see this fuzzy faced bastard on the TV saying his client should be able to come back to the US and stand trial for her ISIS connections and shenanigans. Well FUCK YOU Ahab and the camel you rode in on. ANYBODY and I do mean ANYBODY that leaves our country to join foreign fighter I don’t give a shit who you are you need to DIE and preferably OVER THERE! We don’t want YOU or your stinky ass bastard child (your whole dame family for that matter) back here to commit any JIHAD! Your muzzie bitch ass needs to die in the third world shithole you came from!

    Of course that’s just my opinion I could be wrong…BUT I’M NOT! The Crusades were fought for a reason and the commie bitches teaching our children do not pass on that information any longer!

  7. Moe tom, thanks sincerely, no offense meant,
    I lasted about 10 seconds and actually would have understood ISIS rushing in.
    Nope, bagpipes never been my thing,,,
    and I’m Scottish -Irish

  8. Sweet baby Jesus! How much longer will we put up with her and others like her in our representative gov’t?! This is such a colossal embarrassment to our nation. It’s shameful to have Maxine Waters in the halls of congress. She’s a reflection of where our country is right now. No other way to measure that. The facts speak for themselves.

    15 terms is too long for this ridiculousness.

  9. Mad Maxine is not programmed for discussion outside the narrative; two MAGA hat wearing, Trump loving, homopobic, bleach and rope carrying white guys attacked poor Juicey Smallette in below zero weather, in “MAGA Country” Chicago. Anything beyond that, like the truth, she has no comment.

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