Maxine Waters vows to use ‘every resource to protect ourselves’ after Obama nominee judge releases ‘white nationalist’ from detention – IOTW Report

Maxine Waters vows to use ‘every resource to protect ourselves’ after Obama nominee judge releases ‘white nationalist’ from detention

AM: Maxine Waters is lashing out at Attorney General William Barr and blaming the Trump Administration after an Obama-nominated federal judge released a man accused of threatening Waters’s life.

CNN reports:

A federal judge in Maryland said Thursday that Christopher Hasson, a Coast Guard lieutenant accused of plotting a domestic terror attack, will be released from detention.

Hasson had been indicted on weapons and drug charges, but did not face any charges related to terrorism or attempted murder — a point his public defender made as she argued that the government’s continued detention of him was unlawful. He pleaded not guilty last month on the weapons and drug charges.

Judge Charles Day agreed that the government had not met a standard for continued detention but said he still had “grave concerns” about Hasson’s alleged actions, which included amassing an arsenal of guns and tactical gear and searching online for the home addresses of two Supreme Court justices.

Hasson’s defense attorney will propose options for supervised release at a future hearing.

“Prosecutors say Hasson is a white supremacist who had a hit list that included prominent Democratic politicians as well as several journalists from CNN and MSNBC,” according to CNN.

Nevertheless, Day, a judge nominated by President Obama in 2010 to serve on the United States District Court for the District of Maryland. His nomination ran aground when Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had “insurmountable concerns” raised during Day’s background investigation.

According to a photo, Day is a black man.

Despite that, Maxine Waters thinks she knows who is to blame for this “white nationalist” being returned to society: Trump Attorney General William Barr.

“Outrage!” she tweeted.  more

10 Comments on Maxine Waters vows to use ‘every resource to protect ourselves’ after Obama nominee judge releases ‘white nationalist’ from detention

  1. Maxine, since you are so hell bent to impeach somebody, might I suggest this judge might be a nice target. I’m sure you will get some republican support helping get rid of him.

  2. His nomination ran aground when Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had “insurmountable concerns” raised during Day’s background investigation.

    And i am sure those republicans were called “racists” at the time. Looks like their concerns were correct.

  3. I agree, LCD. When Hasson was arrested, he was the poster boy for White Power. And now he’s been let go. By a black judge appointed by Obama. Makes the whole Hasson arrest and perp walk seems like it was done for a narrative or a distraction.

    Whatever happened to the Florida Man who mailed all the fake bombs to Democrats?

  4. Justice will be done when Maxine is walking down the street and a huge anvil with “ACME” stenciled on the side falls out of nowhere and hits her right on the head burying her and the anvil 30 feet down in the dirt. Then be on the lookout for a Wile E. Coyote.


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