Maybe Democrats Can Force Joe to Resign – IOTW Report

Maybe Democrats Can Force Joe to Resign

PJ Media

Would Joe make the family bag man [Hunter Biden], the son he loves, go to prison? 

Here’s the answer that would please everyone. Assuming Hunter’s cases really go to trial — a big if — Joe would pardon Hunter, who then wouldn’t go to prison, and since that pardon would be a presidential abuse of power, Joe would take the political L and resign. It would be a win-win. No one involved in politics would be sorry to see him go. More

10 Comments on Maybe Democrats Can Force Joe to Resign

  1. I think Dems made a huge mistake in not eliminating Joek as the nominee earlier. If they try to replace him now there will definitely be infighting. Of course not replacing him means he will debate Trump in about a month. Popcorn for the rest of us.
    I was at a great meeting of local Christians today, hoping to share the video soon. One guy was the guy largely responsible for the largest evangelical turnout ever for a presidential election, that was his role with RNC at the time. That was in 2016 – which means that in 2020, without him, RNC lost that focus. But he was talking about how low Christian turnout is. The highest turnout ever was around 40%, meaning that 40-50 MILLION Christians aren’t voting every time. His solution, 2 easy points that he repeated over and over: Get everyone in your church to register; and ask them to vote according to biblical principles. That is all. No mention of parties or names, just vote biblical principles.

  2. I’m thinking that we are best off with Biden remaining on the ticket. If the dems have a new candidate I’m concerned that will give them someone to rally around. With Biden on the ticket there can’t be much enthusiasm for that old broken down TRAITOROUS BASTARD!

  3. Personally, I wish Joe to remain in Office, on the ballot and face the inevitable consequence of his actions over the past years.
    We could immediately go to Joe being drawn and quartered before the Patriots buried at Arlington Cemetery. Following, Joe’s body to be thrown in the Potomac River.

    His choice, although I like the latter avenue.

  4. I concur, keep the old bastard on the ticket. Granted the powers behind the demented jackass are responsible for what has been done to our country, but it’s got “Jackass Joe” written all over it” Let people continue to associate disaster with this Asshole!

  5. What the article fails to consider is who assumes the Presidency if Joe steps down. How long can the nation stay off the rocks with Kamala at the wheel?

    Biden won’t hand out any pardons until the day before any member of the criminal family report for prison or before he relinquishes office the very day that Donald Trump assumes the presidency.

  6. If you remember the mess the ’68 or ’72 Demo ticket was, you know it wouldn’t work at this late date.

    And they’d be better off with Tommy Newsome, rather than Gavin. He’s Idiot without the mumbling and stumbling. Imagine the debates with Trump reminding the world of the streets of San Fiasco.

    There isn’t a Demo governor who couldn’t be brought up on charges.

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