Maybe if these pencil-arm Antifa pansies received some Marine training they’d be able to break glass with a hammer – IOTW Report

Maybe if these pencil-arm Antifa pansies received some Marine training they’d be able to break glass with a hammer

We’re looking for a few good men…. couldn’t find any.

ht/ whatfinger


Also, from JD Hasty –

Antifa complaining that the police are using lethal force against their lethal force.


18 Comments on Maybe if these pencil-arm Antifa pansies received some Marine training they’d be able to break glass with a hammer

  1. Back in the 1960’s rioting was scheduled to happen in Philadelphia PA. The police chief went on the television and announced that rioters and looters would be shot on site. Guess what, no riot. Time for some tried and true solutions.

  2. -The Coco Congo woman;
    -The guy insulting the police officer;
    -The people attacking Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk;
    -Now this…
    When I think they can’t get any lower, they always prove me wrong.

    These demons know they’re defeated already. They’ll keep pushing us, but we cannot give in. We need to pray for our President and his administration. We can’t have relationship with God if our hearts are full of hatred.

  3. I’m sticking with the comment i made in MJA’s post about these cretins (spelling?).

    ” I will give them the numbers. 10 to 1. So give me my son, and 9 of his fellow Marines against 100 of them. I’m not kidding. I have $10,000.00 I am willing to wager on my son and his 9 buddies. The general population can not grasp the training, both physical, and mental they have.

    I hate to admit it, but my son can kick my ass now. Please don’t let him in on our little secret though 😉 “

  4. The dems are reverting back to their old ways from back in the 50’s and 60’s (that’s the 1850’s and 1860’s)
    They started a civil war back then and are trying again.

    Insanity runs in that party

  5. “Liberalism is a religion. It has its own set of rituals and rules that must be adhered to if one is to remain in good standing and free from persecution by the liberals. But like the Jewish Pharisees who preceded them, the liberals are hypocrites. They do not really believe what they profess. And the root cause of the liberals’ hypocrisy is the same as the Pharisees of Judaism. They cannot bear the light of truth, because that light would destroy their Christ-denying, satanic world that they have set up to satisfy their own illicit desire to be as God. A list of all the liberal hypocrisies would fill an encyclopedia from A to Z.” – Cambria Will Not Yield

  6. These creatures are a real menace to society. What needs to happen is they get charged, convicted and sentenced for Terrorism and sent away for a looong time! That’ll send a message!


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