Maybe It’s Time for Bill de Blasio to Just Go Away – IOTW Report

Maybe It’s Time for Bill de Blasio to Just Go Away

After These Remarks About Black Voters, Maybe It’s Time for Bill de Blasio to Just Go Away.


Look, Bill, we know you’re married to a black woman, but that doesn’t give you the license to bash black voters who support Biden because they’re not down with your left-wing antics. Yeah, last week, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio pretty much said that, suggesting that these voters who catapulted the former vice president to frontrunner status are of the low-information type. Of course, when pressed about his remarks, which he uttered during an interview with MSNBC on March 5, Billy denied it, but I mean…well, you decide (via the Grio):

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio implied… that Black voters who support Joe Biden for president are doing so because of his ties with former President Barack Obama and with insufficient information on his record.

During an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, de Blasio was asked why Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), whom he endorsed, lost the Black vote to Biden in South Carolina and on Super Tuesday and de Blasio said it was because Black people only had a “certain amount of information” on Biden.

“It stands to reason if people have a certain amount of information — and I don’t blame them for this, I understand it,” de Blasio said on the show, before a host, Elise Jordan, sought clarification from him on his comment, reported The New York Times.

“So you’re saying they were low information?” Jordan asked de Blasio. MORE

4 Comments on Maybe It’s Time for Bill de Blasio to Just Go Away

  1. this asshole is the pinnacle of typical liberalism

    arrogant, delusional, shameless, incompetent, amoral, and low iq

    and probably kicks the dog that would rather live in the shelter

    way to go, nyc

  2. “Maybe It’s Time … “ ????? … “Maybe … ” ????

    this race-baiting, class-warfare jackass is about 3 years beyond his ‘sell by’ date


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