Maybe Monday – IOTW Report

Maybe Monday

16 Comments on Maybe Monday

  1. “He’s still got it!”

    At this point in time that’s been done to death. I love Trump. Best policies we’ve ever had. But for the life of me, sometimes I don’t know why he picks the fights he does. Elon Musk could be one hell of an ally. I dunno.

  2. “Elon is a grifting musk.”

    Elon is a pretty sharp biz guy that’s made a huge jump to the right. Not with out risk. If you ever leave this site you should read about it. You’re a fool.

    Elon today speaking to the unhinged. “You can work from home, just not at Twitter.”

  3. You know a man by his enemies, it’s obvious our anonymus Alphabet trolls fear Elon will take the narrative away from the CIA where it has resided since 1948.

    That truth scare ya trolls?

    Fuck you cowardly simps.

    Your control over us is slipping away by the day. Thanks to the interwebs and PDJT you have been exposed as the bitch boys for the globalist agenda Same for MI5 and all western intelligence.

    You been the bottom boys for the globalist cabal since postwar WW2.

    You know, now we know it. Change is coming you Luciferian mother fuckers.

    Saw the pallets full of your cash on choppers being laundered all over Trashcanistan, and Iraq while you sucked up the profit from the poppy fields.

    Y’all some evil fucks working for you master Satan.

  4. Somebody on talk radio was saying that if Trumps twitter account is to be restored, that it should not be restored until after the mid-terms. I think that might be wise.

    Let’s leave the motivation level of the communist supporters right at the level that it’s at.

  5. @Brad, “I don’t know why he picks the fights he does”
    to bring attention to what needs to be exposed
    example: how many people are REALLY paying attention to the election fraud this time around

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