Maybe Ocasio-Cortez Keeps Getting Fact-Checked Because She Keeps Saying Wrong S**t – IOTW Report

Maybe Ocasio-Cortez Keeps Getting Fact-Checked Because She Keeps Saying Wrong S**t

WFB: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) made a factual error Thursday when explaining a factual error she made while defending herself from a Washington Post fact-check that found she made several factual errors.

Ocasio-Cortez’s war on fact-checking began weeks ago when she was given Four Pinocchios for her claim that the Pentagon lost $21 trillion in funds, and those trillions could pay for her Medicare For All proposal. This was laughably wrong—the combined budget of the Pentagon for its entire existence doesn’t break $21 trillion. The Four Pinocchios, WaPo‘s worst rating, was awarded after she doubled down and kept the false tweet up.

Round two began Wednesday when she preemptively tweeted out a rather absurd strawman attack on the idea of fact-checking along with a now-deleted tweet complaining about “overzealous fact-checking sarcasm and hyperbole.”  more here


34 Comments on Maybe Ocasio-Cortez Keeps Getting Fact-Checked Because She Keeps Saying Wrong S**t

  1. Part of the problem…
    Asinine Ohsheet Cortex [AOC] believes she is the smartest person in the room,
    Everything she says is very accurate, even though it may not be substantiated with facts,
    You are not in the barn anymore, responsible people we’ll check that nonsense that flows from your lips,
    All this stupidity could be avoided if you spoke the truth with documentation.
    Earth out! extirpates

  2. Wow…. I could blow this chicks mind with a simple game of peek-a-boo.

    Me: puts hand over face. “Come and find me!”
    Her: ‘OMG!!! WHERE DID YOU GO!?!?!”

    How sexy is that?

  3. Joe Dan Gorman in his recent Intellectual Froglegs drew attention to the FACT that AOC’s generation is just plain ignorant. They learned nothing in school but the leftist agenda.

    Plain ignorant, and without reasoning, aka thinking skills, just plain stoopid.

  4. Just another Libtard. Facts mean nothing to them. It’s all about feelings and their fictitious perception of reality. The only difference between her and the rest of them is she is currently talking more.

  5. You can make stuff up and lie to your constituents when running for office because (a) most Congressional races aren’t national news, and (b) her constituents are, well, morons who don’t care about outrageous claims and lack of factual support if something fits their world view.

    But when you hit the national stage, half of your audience (sometimes more, sometimes less, but about one-half either way) disagrees with you. If you want to be convincing, your facts must be substantially correct. You can’t complain about being considered a lying skank if you act like a lying skank at the national level.

  6. Ego, not conservative mockery, will be her downfall. She equates sycophantic Twitter followers to wild national popularity. And she’s becoming more and more puffed up and arrogant. Eventually, all that puffing up will result in her exploding like a rancid zit.

  7. We need to add an amendment to the Constitution that requires an I.Q. test, with an established threshold, that a candidate need to score above before they can run for office.
    The thought that we have a law maker that thinks islands can tip over is scary ass shxt.

  8. @Aaron Burr January 26, 2019 at 3:34 pm

    > Wow…. I could blow this chicks mind with a simple game of peek-a-boo.

    > How sexy is that?

    Fifty-one ways to leave your lover.

  9. “I’m sittin’ on this bar stool, talking like a damn fool, got the fact checkin’ news blues.

    I’ve given up hope, they won’t make me look like a dope, with out even tryinnnn’.

    Is it any wonder I look crazy? Is it any wonder I look the fool.

    I’ve got too much, dumb in my head yeah too much, stupid I said, and they’re pickin’ away, pickin’ away at me.”

    With apologies to Styx.

  10. What’s amazing about Libtards is no matter how factually wrong they are, they are always in unison.

    In the immortal words of Lucy (“Football Snatcher”) van Pelt, “If you can’t be right, be wrong at the top of your lungs.”

  11. Being factually incorrect, but morally right doesn’t legitimize her stupidity. The people that voted (or rigged the vote)for stupidity are the ones to blame for the continued dumbing down of society. The next two years are going to be a bumpy ride to, most likely nowhere.

  12. Well folks, one thing that concerns me is that I remember when Obama first appeared I thought “not a chance in hell”. We all know what followed. This shit scares me and hell, I ain’t afraid of nothin’.


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