Maybe the Amber Lamps Can’t Show Up Because Your BLM Buddies Are Blocking the Road – IOTW Report

Maybe the Amber Lamps Can’t Show Up Because Your BLM Buddies Are Blocking the Road

If you like to see a BLM “activist” (see- good for nothing) standing in the middle of the road, activating, go flying through the air after being mowed over by a car, and then in the aftermath some BLM activist activates their gun while the most annoying bitch on the planet starts screeching “oh my God” this is the video for you.

*Look for the part where the #BLM cow starts wailing that the cops are “just sitting over there.”

Did anyone get with the “bullets”?

ht/ bad brad

47 Comments on Maybe the Amber Lamps Can’t Show Up Because Your BLM Buddies Are Blocking the Road

  1. I could have launched her farther.

    Ironic how they complain about “the cops are just sitting there” when 10 seconds earlier the cops needed to be fried like bacon cuz they is pigs.

    The gunshots making the crowd scatter was just icing on the cake for me. They went from shuffle to hustle in record time, didn’t they?

  2. The only outrage I feel watching this video is that the poor DOG was exposed to the inherant TRIBAL VIOLENCE and STUPID RHETORIC OF THESE things—

    That’s some solid animal abuse right there—-

  3. Once upon a time mothers used to tell their children not to play in the street.

    That needs to happen a lot more, I guess, before they can see the problems associated with standing in the middle of the fucking street, at night, in traffic, and with no adult supervision.

  4. Notice how the clown that was hit by the car was laying there milking the situation? Right up until the bullets started flying, then he got his ass up and started running like a track star. The punk wasn’t hurt all that bad, and the loud ‘oh my God!’ bitch was screaming for nothing.

  5. Outstanding. First there was the incredibly high speed, politically incorrect statement rejecting the premises of BLM – “THUD” – followed by a series of copper jacketed exclamation points.

    “In these matters the only certainty is that some one will get their ass run over.”
    ~ Pliny The Elder, 76 AD

  6. About time.

    My sister attempted the same thing many moons ago when she was trying to leave downtown Dallas late one night. Two black guys walked in front of her Shelby Cobra.

    She down shifted and jammed the gas pedal to the floor. You betcha they jumped out of the way.

    “Oh my God bitch” near the end: “He got hit by a car”

    You mean that track star that passed everyone up?

    Nothing like actual mortal fear to start feeling better.

    Now I’m wondering if there is a market for ghetto blasters with recorded gun shots pre-loaded. Mount them on the front of your vehicle.

    Call it the Scatter 2016? Magnum Road Clearer? 2016 Cow Blaster?

    Attempted murder should draw attempted murder right back at ya.

    Figure it out, dummies.

    Or not.

  7. “Those cops are just sitting over there!!!” (2:03)

    Yep. The bullets are flying and you’re outraged that they haven’t run in to protect your ass? Really. Maybe they fear it’s a set-up, to draw them in, so ONE OF YOUR SYMPATHIZERS can then bust a cap on ’em.

    Either way, fuck you.

  8. Flat lives matter.

    ‘The cops are just sitting over there’ What is the BLM chant? ‘Pigs in a blanket fry ’em like bacon.’ Ain’t it grand when you shiite on people and they have nothing to do with you after.

  9. I had to watch it twice, to give the full laughter it deserved.
    Play stoopid games, win stoopid prizes.

    And wadda ya wanna bet that the gunshots were blanks?
    Blanks or boolits, an AWESOME way to clear the road.
    Love it!

  10. Now that’s really social justice. Hilarious. The only one I feel sorry for is dog.
    BLM commie tools get what they deserve and completely unaware of the consequences of their actions.
    No police, no ambulance and no community support equals, you’re on your own suckers!

  11. I certainly hope none of the people that are completely sick of the BLM garbage don’t think to use two throw-away cars to take out these ‘protests.’ That would be awful.

    The first car takes out one or two pavement apes, and the rest of the apes congregate around the initial idiot(s) – screaming “why doesn’t someone else do something ??!!!” or whatever.

    Then the second, larger and heavier, car plows through the assembled herd.

  12. 1.Protect drivers. If a group of thugs/ “protesters”/ hippies are blocking the streets, citizens should be allowed to drive over/ through them and face no charges.
    2.Anyone who does so should have any damage to their vehicle repaired immediately, or the vehicle should be replaced. The government should have to pay for this, as they should have prevented these attacks and blockages.
    3.All damages should then be collected by the government from the “protesters,” their groups, and their surviving family members.
    Is that too harsh? More protester fun here, PLUS BFH’s most awesome “Protester Plow”…

  13. Geez, Oh my gawd. Oh my gawd – Made me think of this scene from A League of Their Own:

    Jimmy Dugan: Uh, Lord, hallowed be Thy name. May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls… be plentiful. Lord, I’d just like to thank You for that waitress in South Bend. You know who she is – she kept calling Your name.

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