Maybe the Braves Fan Shoulda Used the Tomahawk Chop? – IOTW Report

Maybe the Braves Fan Shoulda Used the Tomahawk Chop?

I don’t condone violence, especially over sports… but maybe this wasn’t about sports?

Whatever the case may be, the moral is don’t start a fight at a baseball stadium-

15 Comments on Maybe the Braves Fan Shoulda Used the Tomahawk Chop?

  1. I mean really, just listen to the guy in the video who wasn’t even involved in the altercation, “Fuck him up! Fuck his ass up!” Really? Really sad.

  2. I’ve been there. I was with my brother at a hockey game and a fucking drunk kept standing up in front of everyone. He tried it again and then stood there hitching up his pants then turned around with a shit eating grin on his face before I knocked him the hell out cold. My brother, who is 6’3” and about two bucks seventy five told the cops that when I went to the snack bar he told the asshole that he doesn’t fuck with me for one simple reason, he’ll knock your ass the fuck out and laugh about it.

    The moron is below and has to punch up so he is starting a lap down when the green flag drops. It’s over even before it starts. And the people sitting behind me were saying the same things and were just as happy as these guys filming this were.

  3. The MSM and the crooked side of the government have promoted violence and division for a long time now. They really ramped it up after getting skunked in 2016. They have done their best to paint every issue as black and white, when actually they’re gray. So long as the the populace is divided, they won’t see the truly evil shit their doing in the background.
    They will never tax the rich, because the rich already have their money hidden.
    Just like the Biden cancer charity spent millions on salaries, zero on research.

  4. As Ol’ Remus (Woodpile Report) (RIP June 2020) always said, “stay away from crowds and cities”. Even better advice now.

  5. Cleveburg here – Nuthin new. Back in the 70s in the old Municiple stadium there were times when we had 90k SRO for the Browns game when the Steelers came to town!
    There was more action in the stands than on the field!

  6. ^^^^ yep, back in the old NFL days (before the merger w/ the AFL) they had better fights in the stands of old Memorial Stadium in Baltimore …. every single Steelers-Colts game … than on the field

    sports fans & alcohol = recipe to fight

  7. Last baseball game I went to was with a church group to watch The Oakland “A”. Two big guys wearing big ass 10-gallon hats sat right in front of us with two blonde women, and the guys were smoking nasty ass cow $hit smelling cigars. Guys sitting in front of them got to fighting and throwing beer. Last time I ever went to any sporting event.

  8. Hope that the Braves fan was OK after that. Heat, Humidity and any form of alcohol are not a good mix . At least the crowd was big enough to get a free ride on the #7 train on their way home.

    Watched a TV game yesterday where the Yankees had a good shellacking at the hands of the St. Louis Cardinals in St. Louis. The top of the 9th inning behind the backstop was an AD that read He Gets Us. It’s an introduction to Jesus. Good stuff.

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