Mayo Clinic Gets Further Woke – IOTW Report

Mayo Clinic Gets Further Woke

Daily Wire

The Mayo Clinic introduced a fresh round of woke policies relating to gender identity this week, including wearable buttons for employees to display their preferred pronouns.

The company announced Tuesday that it has updated its Dress and Decorum Policy to approve the pronoun buttons, according to a news article on Mayo Clinic’s internal website viewed by The Daily Wire. More

16 Comments on Mayo Clinic Gets Further Woke

  1. Can’t be considered much of a medical clinic when it’s so called professional staff are too dumb to follow the science!~ Their preferred button should read “I am too stupid to know basic biology”!

  2. That’s sad.
    I guess they don’t want to be sued for mis-characterizing some confused schmuck.

    Oops! Can I still write “mis-characterizing?”
    Maybe it should be “zis-characterizing?”

    idioto delenda est …
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. While at work I WILL NOT refer to anyone by a pronoun. It’s either by formal name or “that person”.
    What I am thinking to myself is something entirely different…

  4. “It” is a perfectly respectable pronoun.
    Covers all those morons, offended assholes, twatwaffles, shitweasels, and other assorted perverts.

    idioto delenda est …
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “My preferred pronoun is “President Elect”. Stand at attention when you speak to me.”


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