Mayor Mentored by Buttigieg Busted for… what do ya think? – IOTW Report

Mayor Mentored by Buttigieg Busted for… what do ya think?

Daniel Greenfield-

Before Mayor Patrick Wojahn headed College Park, MD, he was a key figure in the movement for what activists described as “marriage equality” both through an activist group and through his own relationship.

As one of the nine plaintiff couples in the Deane vs. Conaway lawsuit filed in 2004, Kolesar and his partner, Patrick Wojahn, saw two years of legal entanglements finally pay off with the judge’s support of same-sex marriage.

Judge Brooke M. Murdock ruled a 1973 state law which prohibited same-sex marriage was discriminatory and caused by bias, bringing an end to the first stage of the lawsuit, which was filed by the American Civil Liberties Union, Equality Maryland and nine gay couples chosen to be the “face of the gay community,” Kolesar said.

Wojahn was not just a test case, he was an activist.

Until the new legislative term resumes, advocates are trying to drum up public support for same-sex marriage in the state. “We’re working on rebuilding support in those areas and looking at how we’re going to proceed,” says Patrick Wojahn, chair of the Equality Maryland Foundation. “We’re trying to get [legislators who defected] back on board or get other people on board.”

Wojahn even made it sound like he was mentored by Pete Buttigieg.

During his Council elections and his first run as a mayoral candidate, Wojahn knew he had no choice but to run as an openly gay man because of his media prominence with the marriage equality lawsuit.

But being elected as an out gay mayor landed him a fortuitous mentor.

“I actually met Mayor Pete Buttigieg shortly after I was elected mayor in 2015,” Wojahn said. “I went to the U.S. Conference of Mayors’ Winter Meeting in D.C. in January and he was assigned to be my buddy.”

The two continued to talk over the phone and Buttigieg explained the conference to him and what would take place at the meeting. Later, they would both attend a White House reception during the Obama administration where Dave and Chasten (Buttigieg) would meet as well.

Buttigieg continued to mentor Wojahn, advising him on how to get the most out of his participation in the conference.

“I now serve in a leadership role as vice chair of city livability and bicycling in part due to his mentorship.”

They also talked about the challenges of being an openly gay mayor with Buttigieg sharing with his mentee the story of his coming out while serving in office.

The Buttigieg campaign hailed Wojahn’s endorsement of him during the Democrat primaries.

None of this comes up in the latest story about Wojahn.

see what he’s done HERE

20 Comments on Mayor Mentored by Buttigieg Busted for… what do ya think?

  1. Speaking of Mayor Pete, Hershey Candy Corporation is diving into the woke pool with its transgender “Her/She” pronoun ad, featuring an absolutely fuckable “woman”;

    ht tps://

  2. I knew it before I reads the article. Anything to do with homos is an automatic child porn to me. Kinda like knowing whose involved in chimp outs, it’s a given.

  3. He says he was Buttigeig’s official “buddy” at a queer conference? I bet those conferences are just fag hook-up opportunities. And “Butt Buddy” would have been more accurate.

    Evil must offer a slippery slope. Go queer with an adult and eventually they’ll look at child porn, after that, sex with minors, then worse things, like sex followed by murder (Randy Kraft). By now, I imagine a lot of queers happily daydream about killing straight people.

  4. Hey kids! Listen to us old WW-2 Boomer Sons (and Daughters) of a “Greatest Generation” while we are still around. I already know a lot of you do, AND:

    Thank You,
    For the many compliments;
    May God always be with You.

  5. Gee, another fuggin queer pederast.
    Color me shocked.
    Who’da thunk a freakin pervert would do perverted things? Wobbles the mind.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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