Mayor of Londonistan bans knives – IOTW Report

Mayor of Londonistan bans knives

“No excuses: there is never a reason to carry a knife. Anyone who does will be caught, and they will feel the full force of the law.”


Ooooh you know who’s scared? NOBODY.  —-Get the story here


37 Comments on Mayor of Londonistan bans knives

  1. Soon they’ll ban umbrellas and rolled-up newspapers.

    Eventually, in order to walk around in public, everyone will be required to wear one-piece coveralls with built-in shock collars, and with SERF stenciled on the back and front.

  2. The only descriptive term for this ordinance is sheer lunacy.
    I had the honor to serve in Iraq under a British Colonel and numerous Brit officers in 04 and 05. It is my considered opinion that these guys will not tolerate this idiocracy much longer. They may not stage a revolution per se but may well force a return to the pre Islamic invasion normality.
    Can anyone imagine what would happen if England’s considerable arsenal fell into Muslim hands? The brit military will not allow that to happen.
    England today is a prime example of what happens when you open the gates to everyone. The EU carries some of the blame for this but the brits should have stood up on their hind legs long ago. There used to be a reason they call it bloody olde England and its coming again.

  3. I cannot think with the sound of all those knives being thrown into trash cans by criminals afraid of the ‘full force of the law’
    If they confiscate all the knives, and beating people with fists becomes fashionable, you will be required to keep your hands open at all times.
    If Karate chopping people becomes the rage, then Rock Paper Scissors will be just gone as folks will be required to wear foam Hulk Hands to protect others from the violence of hand positions

  4. Let’s just give the U.K. to Russia and call it a day. The old Soviet Union had (and still has in many places) its share of problems with Muslim communities so they probably won’t put up with this B.S. So far as civil rights are concerned, the Brits are already doing a nice job of quashing these for its citizens so there would be little change there.

  5. KahnMan: “You will be caught, and you will feel the full force of my beloved Sharia Law. So, for example, if you are a muslim savage on a killing rampage screaming ‘Aloha Snackbar!’ and your victims are innocent British citizens you will be given an MBE and high praise!”

  6. “A man without a knife is like a Muslim without a camel.”
    Most Tradesmen can’t effectively work without one Kahn, it’s a tool. The Mayor’s proclamation is anti-Islamic and insults the prophet. By doing this he puts himself on the bearded tribes hit list. They love knives.

  7. The only place my knife doesn’t go is thru a metal detector, but even then at places such as theme parks I put my knife in a bag that some underpaid security dick digs thru with a stick and he never finds it. TSA is the only cocksuckers that get away with stripping it off me.

  8. So they’re rebanning knives? If they had told me they were unbanning knives I would have made the trip! Like the surrender of Hong Kong. It would’ve been once in a lifetime!

  9. They tried that in Scotland like hundreds of years ago. It did not stop the William Wallace types then and they were Catholics. This is going to have ZERO impact on the Mohammedans because theirs is a cult of death.

  10. Do Sikhs get a pass? Their culture requires them to carry kirpans, swords, knives. They don’t like muslims and vice versa. This will be interesting.

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