Mayor of Mexico border city dubbed ‘Tijuana Trump’ blasts caravan migrants, calls them ‘bums’ and ‘pot smokers’ – IOTW Report

Mayor of Mexico border city dubbed ‘Tijuana Trump’ blasts caravan migrants, calls them ‘bums’ and ‘pot smokers’


Several weeks ago a Mexican federal judge ordered Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum to stop being hostile to migrants on the caravan that started in Honduras.

The ruling bans Tijuana officials from “issuing statements contrary to the protection of and respect for migrant people.

Gastelum, a 65-year-old attorney, is not listening.

Called “Tijuana Trump,” Gastelum repeatedly has expressed his objections to the caravan and called for its organizers to be identified and prosecuted for taking advantage of desperate people and putting their lives at risk.

What most rankles immigration advocacy groups are his characterizations of caravan migrants — thousands of whom have arrived in Tijuana, overwhelming its shelters and other resources – as invaders and criminals.

In local interviews, Gastelum, who occasionally has worn a “Make Tijuana Great Again” hat, said the caravan included “pot smokers, bums and bad people.”

“Tijuana is a city of migrants but we don’t want them [arriving] in this way. It was different with the Haitians, they had [immigration] papers, [their arrival] was orderly, it wasn’t a horde, excuse the expression . . .” he said, according to the Mexico News Daily. “These people arrive in an aggressive, rude way, chanting, challenging the authorities, doing what we’re not accustomed to doing in Tijuana . . . I don’t dare to say that it is all the migrants but there are some who are bums, pot smokers, they’re attacking families in [the beachside borough] Playas de Tijuana, what is that?”


12 Comments on Mayor of Mexico border city dubbed ‘Tijuana Trump’ blasts caravan migrants, calls them ‘bums’ and ‘pot smokers’

  1. Mayor of Mexico border city dubbed ‘Tijuana Trump’ blasts caravan migrants


    calls them ‘bums’ and ‘pot smokers’

    Dang. Ya got my hopes up, there. I was thinking dynamite, mortars, claymores…

  2. LOL, if the mayor of Tijuana calls them bums, pot smokers and bad people….That’s a very strong endorsement on those outsiders.
    I’ve been to TJ many years ago and it was no place to raise children, I’m sure it hasn’t improved much.
    No doubt the mayor knows of which he speaks.

  3. Bums & pot smokers….hell, that describes over half of california’s population don’t it?
    In other news, Tijuana apparently had over 200 murders in January of this year alone.

  4. Don’t send them up to the Soviet State. We’ve got too many potheads and bums crapping on the sidewalks already. And for housing, there’s already a shortage of Obama huts in Obamaville.

  5. I read a piece linked at Whatfinger this morning saying that at least 4 immigration attorneys have had their passports flagged by Mexican officials to prevent entry into Mexico. Apparently those attorneys (or their agents) have been trying to connect with the leaders of these recent caravans for the purpose of representing illegals trying to get across.

    Also, I do hope that the new DoD troops being deployed have been sent to the areas in Texas targeted by these caravans.

  6. What do shelters in Tijuana look like, considering half the population has a house of cardboard for walls.
    How about a 50% tax on all southbound cash leaving the USA until they see it our way and at least help with that big beautiful wall.


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