Mayor Removes Trump Portrait: “We Do Not Live in a Dictatorship” – IOTW Report

Mayor Removes Trump Portrait: “We Do Not Live in a Dictatorship”


The folks who run the Town Hall in Jackson, Wyoming proudly displayed a portrait of President Obama during his terms in office. But they won’t be extending the same respect to President Trump.

Mayor Pete Muldoon removed portraits of President Trump and Vice President Pence – replacing them with a portrait of Chief Washakie, a renowned Native American warrior.

The mayor told me in a lengthy email that he stands by his decision – even though he acknowledged Trump “won the election under the rules we have in place.”

“Dictators like Joseph Stalin required their portraits to be displayed everywhere,” Mayor Muldoon told me. “Luckily, we do not live in a dictatorship.”

The mayor said since the town government is a non-partisan body and they do not work for the federal government, there is no requirement to display a picture of the president.

“The Town of Jackson is not in the president’s chain of command,” the mayor said. “The idea that we are required to display a portrait of the president at Town Hall is simply not true. There’s a tradition of hanging portraits of the president in federal offices within the executive branch – not unlike how grocery stores display pictures of the manager.”

He suggested there were only two reasons for displaying the president’s portrait: for education purposes or to honor the Commander in Chief.

“I see no educational value in such a display,” the mayor said.

Neither did he find a reason to honor the president.

“Donald Trump is an extremely divisive figure,” he said. “Whether you agree with is opinions or not, it’s undeniably true that many residents intensely dislike him, and find his political views odious.”


ht/ illustr8r

23 Comments on Mayor Removes Trump Portrait: “We Do Not Live in a Dictatorship”

  1. “Donald Trump is an extremely divisive figure,” he said. “Whether you agree with is opinions or not, it’s undeniably true that many residents intensely dislike him, and find his political views odious.”

    Trump or Obama?

    What a simpleton.

  2. Only county in Wyoming that supported Hillary in 2016. 60%. Sad that so many beautiful natural places have been destroyed by liberals. Albany county where th UW is isn’t even as liberal as Teton county.

  3. The real story here is this piece of crap Mayor’s insistence that we Jackson residents stay in the Paris Climate Accord. Can you say “moron” ?
    Did any article mention this mayor is a convicted felon ? Was hired anyway! Stuff was said like, “Oh he did his time…” and they voted him in.
    Check out the counter argument from a sane Wyoming rep.

  4. “If Barack Obama was still president, I would make the same decision,” the mayor responded, presumably with a straight face.”

    Snort! Bwahahahahahahahah!!! If the matter was simply over the fact that these functions are not Federal matters and they aren’t obligated to display the portrait of the President, he wouldn’t have blathered on about “Dictatorships,” etc.

    When I have gone to a Doctor appointment at my V.A. clinic, the previous administration’s POTUS and VPOTUS portraits were displayed in the alcove entrance between two sets of sliding doors, on the right hand side. (as if we are supposed to present arms) Most of the time I would only present one finger. One day, while visiting the clinic, I noticed the portraits had been blocked, slightly, by an artist’s easel with some banner announcing some program or other. Well played VA admins! Well played.

  5. Judgeroybean, you are correct… the majority of voters in Teton County are the rich trust-funded, lycra wearing, tech-weenie snotty types (used to be just the ski bums floating in and out). I have lived here a long long time. We are entering old age now, broke from trying to stay and fight the curse of libtards. When we lived here in the beginning it was a great place to raise our children, all whom despise this place as much as I do. Now it is mostly as you say. Now the business owners are scrambling for workers and greedily hire non-english speaking south of the border types. Mayor Muldoon declared us a sanctuary as soon as our President was elected. So they pour in on buses, and are given better dwellings than mine via HUD and La Raza, I suspect. Rich kids don’t work you know.. Families who are not wealthy have mostly left. The elite liberals essentially steal from those who were born here, stealing futures from the honest old timers and family folk, and voila, in almost 4 decades now my town is not my town any longer. It does not resemble the nice place we moved to in the 80’s… But don’t think we conservatives didn’t fight tooth and nail. Families had to leave, and we should have.

  6. So the Mayor was a cheque-kiting burgler in a prior life. It would serve Jackson to wake up one morning to find the town funds gone along with the good Mayor.

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