May’s Government Warned To Protect Tommy Robinson – IOTW Report

May’s Government Warned To Protect Tommy Robinson

Word is leaking that during his time in the UK, Sam Brownback, President Trump’s Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, asked nicely for Britain to better handle dissident Tommy Robinson. Brownback assured the Brits that if they didn’t properly treat Robinson, ” the U.S. administration may feel compelled to publicly criticise Britain’s handling of his case.” More

7 Comments on May’s Government Warned To Protect Tommy Robinson

  1. @ Tony R
    Something to think on: How will using/recognizing a set of rules and laws that can “bind” you in your actions and that your opponent does not give a flying fuck about help you achieve a real victory?
    Not trying to argue, just give you something to think about.
    There is not one thing listed in the BoR that is not being trampled on daily, at all levels of governance.
    The only control you have is over yourself and “maybe” immediate family.
    What have each of us done today to make us more prepared?

  2. In 1974 at RAF Alconbury, a fellow airman in our squadron was arrested by the local British police when he went to see speakers that were for sale. It seems the person selling the speakers was thought to be selling drugs, too. While in jail that night, one of the drunk guys in the cell was screaming and making trouble for the jailors. Three English jailors entered the cell. Two grabbed the guy and the third one held a large steel block with a handle on it against the guys skull. He pulled a trigger and “bang”, the guy fell in a crumpled mass on the floor. My fellow airman said that you could have heard a pin drop for the rest of the night. He was released the next day without charges.

  3. That was politicalese for “if
    anything bad happens to Tommy
    we will have it in the President’s
    morning tweets until your noses bleed from the pressure”.


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