Mazie Hirono has identified why dems have trouble connecting with voters – IOTW Report

Mazie Hirono has identified why dems have trouble connecting with voters

Take a guess as to why Mazie thinks dems have trouble connecting with voters.

29 Comments on Mazie Hirono has identified why dems have trouble connecting with voters

  1. Libtards frame of debate, “I’m smarter than any one I know, I think”.

    Conservatives frame of debate, “I think I’m right, I’ll do more research”.

    Libards, “I never researched it, but I know I’m right, fuck you,”

    Conservatives, “I’ve linked a bunch of data that supports my argument”.

    Libtard, “Fucking Racist”

  2. Didn’t Arnold Toynbee have some theory about people living in warm climates being less productive and thus less smart because it was easier to be alive in such climates?….

  3. Damn! Is being ugly inside and out a prerequisite for becoming a Lib-Tard?
    Read the YouTube comments for this video. Couldn’t find one that agreed with the tripe she was regurgitating.

  4. Mao was a “great genius.”
    Stalin was a “great genius.”
    Hitler was a “great genius.”
    Mussolini was a “great genius.”
    Pol Pot was a “great genius.”
    Hoxha was a “great genius.”
    Ho was a “great genius.”
    Wilson was a “great genius.”
    Roosevelt was a “great genius.”
    Castro was a “great genius.”

    Get the slobbering nose-pickers to kowtow to the “great geniuses” and follow them into perdition.

    It’s all in the propaganda. The “smart” people enslave themselves to demonrats – the “dumb” people want Liberty and Freedom.

    What’s truly astounding is that they still say the same old shit, and get the same old response! Millions of imbeciles ready to die because they’re told that they’re “smart” by power-hungry psychopaths! If it weren’t happening again, it would be unbelievable.

    Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose
    (some dead frog)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. When I was a kid, I would search for discarded coke bottles and cash them in to get the deposit and I would spend the money on candy, and one of my favorites was Brown Cow. I don’t know what made me think of that. On a good day, I could even get a comic book.

  6. Wow, Mazie just dropped the average intelligence of people of Japanese descent – in so doing really tarnishing the previous perception of them being bright people.

    And she did equal damage to the perception of average IQ of Hawaii residences.


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