McAuliffe Appointed Prominent Anti-Vaxxers To State Boards – IOTW Report

McAuliffe Appointed Prominent Anti-Vaxxers To State Boards

WFB: During his first stint as Virginia governor, Terry McAuliffe (D.) named the founders of one of the country’s leading anti-vaccine organizations to two coveted administration positions after they contributed more than $50,000 to his political campaign.

McAuliffe in 2014 appointed Claire Dwoskin and Al Dwoskin, a since-divorced Democratic power couple, to serve on the George Mason University Board of Visitors and the Governor’s Advisory Council on Revenue Estimates, respectively. Claire Dwoskin a year earlier had formed the Children’s Medical Safety Research Institute, an anti-vaccine organization that has pushed the baseless theory that some vaccines are linked to autism in children. The organization was funded by the Dwoskin family charity.

A number of Democratic politicians who now accuse Republicans of opposing vaccines have themselves cozied up to prominent anti-vaccine activists. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D., Calif.) reportedly expressed concerns about government-mandated vaccines during a 2019 meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., one of the most influential vaccine opponents in the country. more here

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