McAuliffe Social Media Manager Tells Youngkin Voters to “Get F****D” and Locks His Twitter Account – IOTW Report

McAuliffe Social Media Manager Tells Youngkin Voters to “Get F****D” and Locks His Twitter Account

Anger is the overriding emotion of a leftist.

25 Comments on McAuliffe Social Media Manager Tells Youngkin Voters to “Get F****D” and Locks His Twitter Account

  1. Well, Virginia that is probably what most Democrats think of Virginia R’s. So much for trying to elect a governor who would govern the people and not only members of a particular party. Oh, and GFYS

  2. “Have fun with low taxes and no morals.”

    That really encapsulates their misunderstanding of conservative values and principles.

    If I ever win a mega lottery, I’ll focus on school systems that promote and instruct these principles.

    Maybe support community parent-led schooling. A group home-school solution.

    Honestly, if parents took PTA seriously over the last 5 decades, it would never have come to this. Parents should be involved. Schools are too often seen as baby-sitters with a bonus of schooling.

    There was only one other parent on my block that was active in the local PTA when my boys went to the local school. It was pathetic and I am not surprised at all at the current state of public schools given what I experienced.

  3. Sheee-it. That Charlie fella made me think ah my cousin Brenda. We had us some good times for sure. Sittin’ under the old Magnolia tree smokin’ some good weed. Then a little nookie, know whut ah mean? Yee-hah. Then one day she said she wuz gonna have a kid and said I dun somethin’ to her. Them days I didn’t know nuthin’ bout such things. I wuz only ten and she was eleven. Then she said if ah put my wanger in the wrong place then some day a baby pops out. Shee-it, I had never heard that. Her daddy said I had none a them morel things and said he’d shoot me dead if ah ever came round again. Anyways they took her somewhere and they took out the baby and I ain’t never seen her since. So I guess her pappy was right – I ain’t got no morels.


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