McCabe Firing Shows Evidence of IG and Outside Prosecutor Working Together – IOTW Report

McCabe Firing Shows Evidence of IG and Outside Prosecutor Working Together

CTH: What has become increasingly visible is the largest political scandal in the history of U.S. government.  A political conspiracy at the highest levels of the prior administration and across multiple agencies within the U.S. intelligence apparatus.  The scale of corruption being exposed is astounding.

The investigative effort to unravel and bring justice is almost overwhelming.  It is also very likely the issues surrounding Andrew McCabe are only just beginning.

Within the response letter from Michael Bromwich, the attorney representing fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, you might note the following (emphasis mine):

[…] The investigation described in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report was cleaved off from the larger investigation of which it was a part, its completion expedited, and the disciplinary process completed in a little over a week. Mr. McCabe and his counsel were given limited access to a draft of the OIG report late last month, did not see the final report and the evidence on which it is based until a week ago, and were receiving relevant exculpatory evidence as recently as two days ago. (pdf link)

Within the Office of Professional Responsibility guidelines for Attorney Representation you might also note the following (again, emphasis mine):

The majority of OPR investigations are administrative in nature, and employees are not entitled to counsel as a matter of law. However, counsel may be permitted if counsel does not interfere with or delay the interview. Counsel must be actually retained by the employee as his legal representative, not as an observer. Counsel are not permitted access to certain confidential criminal investigative information and may not be permitted access to grand jury information.. (link)

Put both of those statements together, along with the underlying issues that Inspector General Michael Horowitz was investigating, and there’s even more likely evidence of the “outside Washington DC” prosecutor noted in the following statement from Attorney General Jeff Sessions: MORE

12 Comments on McCabe Firing Shows Evidence of IG and Outside Prosecutor Working Together

  1. This is a tormentingly slow process, by the time all these investigations are complete the guilty will be long gone. I wish they would pick up the pace, I want to see some of that contemptible smugness slapped off their faces.

  2. “The scale of corruption being exposed is astounding.”

    No, not really.

    Should be: “That exposing the corruption is astounding.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Weird how the name of the “Outside Prosecutor” hasn’t leaked. It’s like the media is totally clueless without the Deep State feeding them morsels. And the possibility that there is a grand jury out there somewhere, hearing evidence which may lead to indictments of Deep Staters, must be driving the media even more insane. If Sessions has managed to keep a lid on it thus far, I might have to start giving him a little credit.


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