McCabe Statement Puts Comey in Legal Trouble – IOTW Report

McCabe Statement Puts Comey in Legal Trouble


McCabe commented on leaking information to a former Wall Street Journal reporter about the investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, saying he was authorized to “share” the information and did so with the knowledge of “the director,” which would have been Comey at the time.

Turley explained why this is “problematic”:

If the “interaction” means leaking the information, then McCabe’s statement would seem to directly contradict statements Comey made in a May 2017 congressional hearing. Asked if he had “ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation” or whether he had “ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation,” Comey replied “never” and “no.”


As Turley noted, Comey “already faces serious questions over his use of a Columbia University Law School professor to leak information to the media following his own termination as director.”

“If this was determined to be a leak with his approval, Comey likely would be labeled not just a leaker but a liar,” the law professor added.


18 Comments on McCabe Statement Puts Comey in Legal Trouble

  1. I predict the Book of the Month Club makes a comeback.

    Man cannot live on narcissism alone, so please buy my new book: Ethics Are For Losers, J Comey
    When I Leave This Place, I’m Takin’ You With Me, A McCabe
    50 Ways to leave your lover, P Strzok/coauthor L Page
    Rats on a sinking ship, (how to be the first one off) J Brennan
    Loose lips sink ships: When you’re too dumb to know the meaning, J Clapper
    How I made lynching sexy again, Elizabeth Carlisle

  2. This week expected a lot of breaking news. I said it before a lot of people are getting fired and going to jail. So far 19 people got fired. But the big one so far in Andrews McCabe from the FBI. Get ready this will be a shack

  3. All this shit happen because of Hussein obama, the Muslim is dirty fuc Benghazi, fast and furious, helicopters with all navy seals I will never forget that one. I RS ,and more.

  4. Funny how the elite who are so experienced at dividing the populace en masse, failed to realize that they also are subject to the same tactics of division between themselves.

    Can you imagine the feedback loop currently building within the elite cadre of characters?

    I can’t wait until it goes nuclear.

  5. @Bob; It would sure be interesting if any of these Dems actually hired McCabe in that it’s really unlikely he’d get a security clearance to do much more then empty ash trays and fetch lunch for the staff. Empty offers.

  6. It’s only an “issue” if Mr. Comey’s testimony was not the least dishonest story he could come up with, at the time. That’s Congressional precedent.

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