McCain Chose Russian Dissident as a Pallbearer as “One Final Burn” of Trump, Says Politico – IOTW Report

McCain Chose Russian Dissident as a Pallbearer as “One Final Burn” of Trump, Says Politico

How does choosing a Russian to carry his diseased carcass to its chute to hell “burn” Trump? It’s idiotic.

According to Newser Fed Ex president Fred Smith is a pallbearer. That’s good. McCain will go to hell by the next day.

Uber-progressive Warren Beatty is a pallbearer. Figures.


Per the Hill, Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, actor Warren Beatty, former Defense Secretary William Cohen, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, and FedEx president Fred Smith will be among those to carry McCain’s coffin at a Saturday memorial service at the Washington National Cathedral, in addition to Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza. McCain made the request of the vice chairman of the Open Russia movement last April in what Politico describes as “one final burn planned for two of his biggest foes,” Vladimir Putin and President Trump. “I was speechless,” Kara-Murza says. “I said yes, of course, and that it would be the most heartbreaking honor that anyone could think of.”

In addition to being “perhaps the biggest full-time thorn in Putin’s side,” per Politico, the 36-year-old Kara-Murza was a longtime friend and “personal hero” of McCain, who worked with him to punish Russia for human rights abuses, including passage of the 2012 Magnitsky Act. He “saw through Vladimir Putin better than anyone,” Kara-Murza writes at the Washington Post, adding “it will always be among the greatest blessings of my life to know him.” The memorial will also feature tributes from former presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Sen. Lindsey Graham, and former Sen. Joseph Lieberman.

26 Comments on McCain Chose Russian Dissident as a Pallbearer as “One Final Burn” of Trump, Says Politico

  1. Hopefully, Trump will declassify something that will bury mccain a little deeper. Maybe now that he’s dead, people will come forward and start laying the entire blame on him for the IRS scandals and the fake ass dossier.

  2. if the McCain family had a shed of dignity they would open their arms to anybody who wanted to attend the funeral of an addled, diseased, compromised, and ranting former POW. That they do not means they are fine with his pronouncements too and are the same worthless tools he was.

  3. John McCain is my name
    And I served on the DC train
    Till Don Trump’s cavalry came
    And drained the old swamp again
    In the summer of eighteen
    I was hardly breathin’
    Thinkin’ what I coulda been
    Took the last train to Phoenix….

  4. What’s next? Will they have, at his request, his hand pocking out of the ground above his grave giving the world the finger?

    The two Admiral McCains, grandpa & dad, are buried at Arlington, and he is going to be planted at Annapolis. Makes me wonder why that arrangement was made.

  5. Funny how he dissed Palin recently about what a mistake it was to choose her for VP. Now he did it again by not inviting her to his disposal. A true class act ain’t he?

    Palin is likely glad he didn’t invite her.

  6. The pure ego. To coordinate a huge ceremony with scheduled tributes, celebrities…weird. As if he were royalty. Normal people would show concern for their loved ones above all. And who puts together a guest list for their funeral?

  7. I wonder, truly, how many Americans will even bother to tune into this funeral? Who cares when a politician dies? I’m trying to think of any politician that could die that I’d bother watching their funeral? There’s some I’d hate to see die because of the good they’re trying to do but to think I’d sit glued to the tv to listen to talking heads tell me who’s who at their service? Probably not. Factor in that it’s Labor Day weekend and the majority of people are traveling, partying, camping, etc. I think empty rooms at nursing homes will be the only TVs tuned in? It’s just a b.s. circus of these clowns getting camera time.

  8. He died as he lived, low intelligence opportunist, arrogant, self serving, vindictive, petty narcissist.

    Vain mccain has stood in judgement.
    Much Wailing and gnashing of teeth.

    Another worthless public servant was cast into darkness.

  9. What a bitter and petty little man was Juan McShame. It’s one thing to not invite folks to our weddings, but to our funerals? As if it’s going to be some big, awesome blow-out party attended only by the A++ A-listers.

    Try as hard as I can, I can only find contempt for that Blue Falcon bastard who betrayed everyone that ever trusted him.

  10. a funeral service that includes child sex traffickers, pedophiles, pedovores, drug runners, nuclear weapon traffickers and all around subhuman filth.

    think about that for a few minutes.

  11. Trump is a honey badger. He don’t give a shit about Songbird’s funeral.

    @Val: Combining McCain and Aretha Franklin funerals, I think we can have a glimpse at how Obama’s funeral would be.
    I would watch 0bama’s funeral with the sound off and a magnum of champagne. 😉 What a carnival that will be.

  12. Val August 30, 2018 at 2:13 am

    I’m dreamin’ of a threesome funeral: Obama, Hillary, and Bill. Throw Biden in there and make it a foursome. It would be a huge thing if they took their last kick of the can around the same time. Are the gates of Hell big enough for all of them to enter at once?

    Just imagine the wailing of the media…It would be on the news 24/7 for months. Could be fun to watch it all.

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