McCain: ‘I Hope’ Trump Succumbs to D.C. Establishment – IOTW Report

McCain: ‘I Hope’ Trump Succumbs to D.C. Establishment


Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told NBC News’ “Meet the Press” host Chuck Todd that he “hoped” President Donald Trump was being drawn into the so-called “Washington establishment” during an interview Sunday.

Ever since Trump ordered an airstrike in Syria in retaliation for the chemical attack that killed more than 80 Syrian civilians earlier in April, he has received increasing praise from the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party.

“We’ve got to have strategy. And I’ll give them some more time, but so far that strategy is not apparent.”

When Todd pointed to those who say “the Washington establishment sucked [Trump] in” and compromised his conservative populism and “America first” agenda, McCain unequivocally expressed his glee at the prospect.

“I hope so!” McCain said before laughing.

Todd, appearing a bit taken aback, laughed before replying, “Oh, ok!”


29 Comments on McCain: ‘I Hope’ Trump Succumbs to D.C. Establishment

  1. never forget

    8 yrs of obama, and we are in a downward spiral thx to mccain and the like

    trump is working like a hero to right the titanic, but these assholes are complicit in the attempt to bring down our great land

    with mccain, it is a personal revenge thing, he should be nowhere near a position of leadership in this country

  2. Geez, I saw his daughter on Out Numbered today and she looked like she took the All You Can Eat Buffet thing as a personal challenge. The two of them should just wander off into the sunset and leave us alone.

  3. What? You want him to buy into the DC Establishment so he’ll agree with you? McShitstain, you need to just go away and die. Every time you open your mouth Americans wonder if we should repatriate POWs. Whose side are you really on? Two faced commie cock sucker. Ooops. Got a little carried away there. Pardon me. He may not be two faced. Sorry.

  4. Lots of Aerospace in AZ. Lots. Mcstain is power hungry and he’s just smart enough to know he’s a banana peel away from being irrelevant.
    However he’s not smart enough to know Trump is light years ahead of him in the I.Q. department.

  5. How it is fair someone 2 generations before me still in politics hellbent on fucking me and my spawned next generation can continue the agenda in fucking future generations is beyond me. ImeanSrsly?

  6. The actuarial tables say evil old McCain is unlikely to be alive for Trump’s reelection in 2020.
    A grateful nation will thank God. His grave will require very high fences and round the clock guards to prevent crowds of veterans and voters expressing their contempt.

  7. I am almost ashamed to say that I voted for this guy in 2008 because he was a Vietnam veteran and a war hero. But at least I didn’t vote for his opponent. Knowing what I know now (as someone famously said), I shoulda stood in bed.

  8. McCain is no war hero given his actions and words of clear propaganda while imprisoned in North Vietnam. Or maybe you are referring to his actions on the aircraft carrier USS Forrestal and 134 dead Naval Personnel.
    Either way, McCain got people killed.

  9. @Gladys

    The other way……he is paying off a debt and if he screws the USA to do it, well that is just tough shit for us. I suspect he is dirty and has been blackmailed for many years. He took a dive in 2008.

  10. @Mortgages – I totally believe McCain took a dive in 2008. He didn’t even try. I knew then he had no interest in winning, but I voted for him anyway, well – because you see what we got. Although, I doubt it would have been any different if McCain had one. Valjar and Iran would still have been calling the shots.

  11. Idiot McCaeghn is exposing himself as such a jerk.
    Has he ever heard the Twainism ?
    Better to keep ones mouth shut and look stupid
    Than to open it and remove all doubt.

  12. @VietVet
    I console myself with the knowledge that I didn’t vote for him. I voted for Sarah Palin with the genuine hope the excitement of winning would make his state funeral her first duty as POTUS in January ’09.

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