McCain wants to subpoena sailors who were captured by Iran – IOTW Report

McCain wants to subpoena sailors who were captured by Iran

AmericanThinker: Senator John McCain says that the White House and the Pentagon are dragging their feet on releasing their findings of the investigation into the incident involving

10 us sailors hostage iran

ten sailors who were captured by Iran last month and if he hasn’t received the report by March 1, he will hold hearings and subpoena the sailors.

“I guarantee you, if they don’t have a debrief by the first of March like they said, we’ll have a hearing and we’ll subpoena. We’re not going to wait any longer,” McCain said. “We will subpoena the individuals if we have to.”

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8 Comments on McCain wants to subpoena sailors who were captured by Iran

  1. I wouldn’t trust McCain to hold my nuts let alone hold any hearings on any matter.

    McCain is a ignorant shitweasel, and his daughter is a fat, ignorant shitweasel.

    Take your Geritol and stfu, old man.

  2. I’d have done this day 1. I want to ask that officer, under oath, who gave him the order to surrender his boats and men without firing a shot. Whoever the field grade or flag officer responsible is, get a court martial, reduction to E-1, and life at hard labor…unless I could get the death penalty.

  3. This is what the B. Hussein Obama regime always does – just stall and run out the clock until it’s too late to do anything. Hillary does the same thing.
    You’d think the Republicans would at least learn from this technique and use the Dem tactics against them when it comes to Obama’s appointment of Calypso Louie or Quanell X to the Supreme Court. Just keep sayin’, “yeah..yeah..yeah.” and run out the clock.
    Otherwise, Obama appoints Quanell and the Supreme Court declares Obama Imam of The United States of islam for life and that’s the end of everything.
    As for McCain, it’s a little late for his anger since he’s the one responsible for this whole mess.

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