McCain’s DACA Fix Is Likely Dead On Arrival – IOTW Report

McCain’s DACA Fix Is Likely Dead On Arrival

Daily Caller: GOP Sen. John McCain is introducing a legislative fix for the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that will likely infuriate Republicans and the White House.

McCain, along with Democratic Sen. Chris Coons of Delaware, will announce a bill Monday that provides a pathway to citizenship for roughly 800,000 illegal immigrants, no funding for the president’s border wall (or other border technology) and requires a comprehensive study to determine what border security measures are needed.

“For months, I have been calling on my colleagues to complete a bipartisan budget agreement to lift the caps on defense spending and fully fund the military. While reaching a deal cannot come soon enough for America’s service members, the current political reality demands bipartisan cooperation to address the impending expiration of the DACA program and secure the southern border,” McCain said in a statement.  read more

33 Comments on McCain’s DACA Fix Is Likely Dead On Arrival

  1. “Give us what we want, and we’ll agree to study what you want.”
    “Just put it in your mouth … I won’t move it over your tongue.”
    “If you give me a hamburger today, I’ll gladly pay you on Thursday.”
    “Check’s in the mail.”
    “This is *really* the truth.”
    “No, man … I haven’t been fucking your wife! You’re my best friend!”

    That ain’t cancer … that’s just plain fucking stupid.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “IF” McCONnell had any leadership abilities this bill would never see the light of day.

    Mr. Mitch Capitulation wastes more time at the Senate and this Nation while “real” issues and needs should be addressed. If it takes the nuclear option push the button.

    What a worthless establishment swamp dweller who is directing the Senate’s rudderless ship.

  3. This is like a bad skit.

    Everytime Juan is about to kick the bucket, somebody tells him something that Trump is doing and its like rubbing smelling salts under his nose.

    It’s all fun and games until Zombie McCain rips through his casket, crawls through six feet of dirt and terrorizes the villagers until he finds some bipartisan legislation that only favors Democrats.

  4. And they were shocked that Trump’s early attack on McCain re not a war hero didn’t end his campaign. It makes me ill to know I voted for him when he has never represented anything I or any conservative stands for.

  5. This is disgraceful, embarrassing and ugly, to boot. (Is he still wearing that boot, btw?)
    He’s doing every little insignificant thing he can to get under Trump’s skin. It isn’t working, but it makes McCain look petty and small, anyway.
    If Trump were passive aggressive, he’d bring up the Keating scandal again. lol

  6. I have a favor to ask. Is there a place online where I can get the most accurate story about McCain’s time in the Hanoi Hilton? I don’t mean by a fervent anti-McCain person or an ass-licking McCain fan. Just documented facts. Thankies in advancies.

  7. Every day I sign on thinking maybe, maybe this is the day we can finally do that tribute thread for the late Senator Songbird McCain. Alas, I remain disappointed.

    Maybe we could live-blog the funeral, assuming he ever actually dies?

  8. Sorry MJ, like Kerry’s records, pretty much sealed, white washed and pardoned.
    I can tell you with certainty, he was disobeying orders when he was shot down.
    Buzzing the Hanoi tower wasn’t a good idea.
    Played Hot Dog Admiral’s son one too many times.
    He had the talk, just couldn’t do the walk, crap jet jockey, shouda been flying Hawkeyes.
    All those injuries he has ridden so far, self inflected, he screwed up the ejection.
    Agreed, the Gooks didn’t put him in Johns Hopkins, he broke himself.
    Spiteful little man.
    John McCain, John Kerry, John Fonda, whoops Jane, still a toilet.

  9. @an ol ex Jarhead, these GOP moles were counting on the fact that most Americans were uninformed and uninvolved and for decades, like zombies, swallowed the crap the Media were spooning out.

  10. Do you want the wall built?
    Make it known that wearing a MAGA hat and promising to vote for Trump will not only get you across the border, you will get a year’s worth of Trump steaks, too.
    Just film yourself in your MAGA hat promising to vote: El Trumpo!
    Then have about a million MAGA hats show up unattended in unlocked trucks all across Mexico
    That wall will go up in record time, and under budget

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