McCarthy Details the Unconstitutionality of Dems House Rules on Proxy Voting – IOTW Report

McCarthy Details the Unconstitutionality of Dems House Rules on Proxy Voting

6 Comments on McCarthy Details the Unconstitutionality of Dems House Rules on Proxy Voting

  1. You have to remember that he was a top deputy of Paul Ryan. IE: he’s a fucking scumbag and it’s all meant for show while he’s plotting privately to sell out conservatives in some manner and stick a giant knife in the backs of the people who voted for him.

    No more benefit of the doubt for these scumbags.

  2. Minority Leader McCarthy EXPLODES from House floor over the Democrats’ plan for unconstitutional proxy voting.

    This is a MUST-WATCH

    No. It’s not. He swore an oath. On his sacred honor. To faithfully serve the Party. According to the Party rules. Subject to change, without notice.

    That is why he is allowed to sit on the Minority Leader throne.

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