McCarthy: ‘No agreement’ on debt limit with Biden, ‘We’ll be talking again’ – IOTW Report

McCarthy: ‘No agreement’ on debt limit with Biden, ‘We’ll be talking again’

JTN: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday sounded optimistic on the potential for a deal to raise the debt limit after meeting with President Joe Biden.

“I think our first meeting was a good meeting,” he told reporters at the White House after the meeting. “We promised we would continue the conversation… I think at the end of the day we can find common ground.”

“We want to make sure we do this in a responsible, reasonable way,” he continued, acknowledging that both he and Biden had different perspectives on the issue. “We’ll be talking again.”

McCarthy declined to elaborate on his terms for an agreement with the reporters who asked for him to identify areas where he wants to see cuts to federal spending. more

8 Comments on McCarthy: ‘No agreement’ on debt limit with Biden, ‘We’ll be talking again’

  1. “We want to make sure we do this in a responsible, reasonable way,”

    Except that raising the debt limit is neither responsible nor reasonable.

    It’s fairly easy to negotiate when you both want the same thing, to raise the debt limit.

    More theater in DC, McCarthy pretending to be hard-nosed and unflinching to show the folks back home that he is fighting for them.

  2. 78 out 78 times the debt has been reached, guess what happened?

    We haven’t had a budget(remember those?) since 2008. Now it’s just huge pot of fairy dust money in an Omnibus Bill 2 or 3x a year.

    Andrew Jackson is whirling in his grave.

    This is going to end badly but bet your last donut, our pols have got their asses covered.

  3. ‘We’ll be talking again’


    Joey: “Just put the head in your mouth – I won’t move or anything.”
    Kevin: “Well, if you promise …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The duplicitous piece of shit and his established Republican buddies will be burning the midnight oil with their dear, dear friends across the aisle in the back rooms and bathhouses of DC and Northern Virginia working out the details.

  5. @ Brad FEBRUARY 2, 2023 AT 2:56 PM

    Caving would imply that there was something of substance to begin with. That is a proposition that I find to be something closer to preposterous than it would be to highly unlikely.

    The bastard has a history.

  6. Why is it called a debt ceiling? We vote republican and even when in control they don’t do anything to stop this shit. It kind of shows how inept we are that the last time we had a budget surplus was when bimbo boinking Clinton was in office. Fuck it!!! Why not start voting Libertarian again, I don’t smoke weed but we need a government limited to its constitutional powers. I think a congress full of meth heads that are not obligated to big multinational corporations would have a better understanding of a dollar.


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