McCarthy Pulls All Picks After Pelosi Rejects Two Appointments, Jordan And Banks, To January 6 Commission – IOTW Report

McCarthy Pulls All Picks After Pelosi Rejects Two Appointments, Jordan And Banks, To January 6 Commission

CB: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has rejected the appointments of Republican Reps. Jim Jordan and Jim Banks to the January 6 commission and House Minority Leader and California Rep. Kevin McCarthy has responded by pulling all of his picks.

They were appointed, with three other Republicans, by Rep. McCarthy days ago in an effort to cooperate with the Democrat-led committee as he was requested to do. more

11 Comments on McCarthy Pulls All Picks After Pelosi Rejects Two Appointments, Jordan And Banks, To January 6 Commission

  1. …all Republicans should take a plane to TX while these show trials are going on. Maybe seek asylum.

    We’re not going to be a “United” States after this year anyway, might as well get the ball rolling.

  2. Jordan and Banks would end up outing the truth. This was all facilitated by Nancy and Bow Wow Bowser. Can’t be having that now can we. What a joke. And we still have people being illegally held. We are now second class citizens. Let the persecutions begin.

  3. Theatrics. We never, ever actually get anything we want in a tangible way. The only people who get what they want from the gop congress are corporate donors. The rest of us get the con job from them pretending to be on our side with theatrics like this.

    We suffered the worst oppression and tyranny of our lifetimes in 2020, and guess who was in charge of the presidency, the senate, the supreme court, a mahority of the governorships, the majority of state legislatures, even the state legislatures in the states the presidential election was stolen in.

    And guess what party was running the country when you were locked in your house and if you owned a business, it was shut down.

    Anyone who takes a government paycheck is your enemy if you are a conservative. The party that represents you is filled with nothing but con men.

  4. The Republicans should permanently have nothing to do with it.
    Let their seats be either empty or occupied by the Demos.

    Best way to illustrate the sham is to have nothing to do with it period.

  5. Big mistake.
    Pelosi’s highlighting the fact the committee is not designed to ferret* out the truth.
    Big mistake on her part.

    *No disrespect meant to ferrets through inclusion in the same sentence as Pelosi.

  6. The Honorable¹ Nancy Patricia Pelosi
    Speaker of the House of Representatives
    Washington, DC 20515

    Dear Madam Speaker:

    Go fuck yourself.

    Sincerely and with all due respect²,
    Uncle Al

    1. OK, OK, that word isn’t sincere.
    2. A scanning tunneling electron microscope would fail to detect all the respect you are due.


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