McCarthy Slams Dems for Passing $15 Minimum Wage Bill – IOTW Report

McCarthy Slams Dems for Passing $15 Minimum Wage Bill

GOP leader says Dems are jeopardizing economy to fulfill ‘unpopular partisan pledge’


The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives voted to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour on Thursday, earning sharp criticism from House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), who says the bill jeopardizes the current economic success the country is enjoying.

The bill to gradually increase the minimum wage in the coming years passed entirely along party lines. Democrats rallied together to pass the legislation despite recent conflict between members of their caucus. The bill is highly unlikely to advance through the Republican-controlled Senate, but McCarthy said it’s further evidence of how “out of touch” Democrats have become.

“The United States is in the midst of enjoying the best economy we have seen in a generation,” McCarthy told the Washington Free Beacon. “The Democrats’ minimum wage hike is another one of their Washington-knows-best policies that is not only out of touch with the rest of America, but will result in a reversal of the recent economic gains Americans around the country have been experiencing.”

The Congressional Budget Office estimated that a $15 minimum wage hike would raise wages for more than a million workers, but would also result in the loss of up to 3.7 million jobs and a reduction of total family income by about $9 billion by 2025.

A  poll released this week found only 20 percent of Americans think raising the minimum wage is worth the economic consequences. It also found that 71 percent believe the minimum wage should be adjusted based on cost of living in different parts of the country. more here

17 Comments on McCarthy Slams Dems for Passing $15 Minimum Wage Bill

  1. I (and others) have stated it before and I will state it again; $0.00 is the actual minimum wage.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. How would you his affect Jonn Morgan’s $15 per hour petition designed to get out the democrat votes next year? If national rate was $15, no need for his petition.
    Florida amendment petitions show how stupid democratic voting is. Years ago they passed pregnant pigs 🐖 protection. The bar was raised to 60% instead of simple majority after that, but Morgan was able to get that idiotic medical marijuana amendment passed after a couple tries. Now these special “pharmacies “ are popping up all over.

  3. Here’s a real life experience I had, that most of these fcuktard liberals don’t understand.

    When I got out of college, I followed a path. Was it my dream, no, but it was interesting. I was offered at the time what seemed like nothing, but even after college, I realized I knew nothing.

    I had my foot in the door, that was what was important. I couldn’t be VP on day one, that’s ridiculous.

    I learned the business and I worked hard to help grow it. My salary doubled in 6 months. After 18 months, it doubled again. I got an officer promotion. I found another area of the organization I was interested in. It wasn’t long, my salary tripled. This went on and on as I climbed the ranks, 9-10 years later, I had my own office with a view.

    I was worth something now!

    It takes work and more work. And here’s where this is interesting, considering all the identity politics today. I had some serious connections out of college, some powerful people in the organization. Even with all that “privilege,” I still had to prove my worth.

  4. This is just a serious ass kissing for group of poorly trained misfits that never learned a high minimum wage translates to higher unemployment and fewer jobs.

  5. and all the illegal immigrants will be willing to work, ‘under the table’ (no, not kamala harris style) for less than that
    what happened to mandatory e-verify? I ran obama’s social security number through it and it came up as invalid.

  6. If it becomes law, all jobs worth less than 15/hr will either disappear or everything will have to inflate up to the point where a 15/hr job is equal to a current 7 or 8/hr job and the minimum wage workers will be in exactly the same financial position they are now in.

    It would be much wiser to encourage conditions, both regulatory and financial, where there are more higher wage jobs available for minimum wage workers to work into and actually improve their lives.

  7. They knew it wouldn’t pass, nothing they do win or lose is random, it is all planned to inflict maximum damage. Now they can browbeat the repubs with this talking point and the low info prog voters will gooble the goo on it.

  8. It’s an insult to my 4.50 (or whatever it was — it was 4 dollars and some change) era of minimum wage. Back then we had few mexicans, (matter of fact there were no mexicans, and very few blacks in the trades where I lived — there were plenty of blacks where I lived, but I don’t remember even one black plumber) and Americans were expected to build houses, ships, tractors, and bridges.

    My son faces fast food or a degree. I’m about the last of the HSD cats who did well.

  9. “The Democrats’ minimum wage hike is another one of their Washington-knows-best policies that is not only out of touch with the rest of America, but will result in a reversal of the recent economic gains Americans around the country have been experiencing.”

    Why do you think he Democrats are pushing for it?!

  10. What about disabled who get only a fraction of a $15 an hour job? It would nearly triple my income as a disabled person as I am permanently disabled and cannot work.

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