McCarthy States House Preparing Impeachment Inquiry – IOTW Report

McCarthy States House Preparing Impeachment Inquiry

Red State

Is Joe Biden finally about to face the first steps of impeachment? That’s what House Speaker Kevin McCarthy signaled on Monday evening.

While appearing on Fox News, McCarthy laid out the case that Joe Biden accepted bribes and funneled money through a variety of shell companies. He then said at the end of the segment with Sean Hannity that “this is rising to the level of an impeachment inquiry.” More

24 Comments on McCarthy States House Preparing Impeachment Inquiry

  1. I’ve said this many times before: House needs to impeach Biden for the sole reason that the Dem House impeached Trump, twice, on conjured-up charges. Hell, they were talking impeachment in November 2016, the day after they realized they hadn’t stuffed enough votes into the ballot boxes for Killary.
    Granted, there is lots of new evidence now. But they should have announced impeachment immediately after taking their oaths in early January. And of course there were plenty of qualified charges then as well – not the least being his involvement in Burisma, which we knew about because they impeached Trump for looking into it.

  2. Gee, facilitating a southern invasion, weaponizing our intelligence agencies, wrecking our fossil fuel industry thus making us energy Dependent, and jailing his political opponents, none of these blew up McCarthy’s skirt, but buying political influence through bribes, this is his red line? Good to know. Sabotage the nation in a hundred different ways, but taking money is a bridge too far.

    Don’t talk about it, just do it.

  3. Left coast Dan

    I’ve agreed many times! But:
    Tiene rason!

    I clearly am out of practice but i have used a bayonetsand Mac clearly is in need of a bayonet. SEND ME! I may be old but I still love America!

  4. “this is rising to the level of an impeachment inquiry.“ What? This has long since risen past the level for a grand jury and TREASON charges! Impeachment inquiry my homesick ass!

  5. Articles of Impeachment should have been in a drawer ready to go the day they took over.
    Rush said they had Obamacare stashed in a drawer somewhere given it was ready to go Obama’s first day in office!

  6. I don’t have a clue if McCarthy is really serious or just stalling until the left gives him the go-ahead to impeach Pedo Joe because they have the next step all planned.

    I don’t trust McCarthy at all. I’m beginning to think the Freedom Caucus is a group of turds that are afraid to hold McCarthy to the deal they made. McCarthy’s first miss step they should have kicked him out like they promised us they would.

  7. Joey should’ve been impeached on day one of his presiduncy. In my lifetime of 70 years, we have never had a President this bad or this corrupt. Nixon was a piker compared to joey and at least he resigned, joey will be carried out in a box and turned into a martyr by the left and we’ll be stuck with Kamala or worse.

  8. It’s showing they didn’t like their jobs. We will see how this works out for them in 2024. House job rating, piss poor. Time for new leadership in the House. Kiss your sorry asses goodbye.

  9. McCarthy will keep the ‘inquiry’ going until the Communists steal the House back.

    Running out the clock. On legislation, Statutes of Limitations, and now impeachments.

    A RINO/communist collaborator tradition.

  10. McCarthy – a senior version of a Ken doll. When has he ever made a decision without the approval of RINO ruling class handlers.
    Our country is in free fall toward complete collapse and McCarthy “thinks” it’s time for a Xiden impeachment inquiry?! Like there’s any question Xiden, the Deep State traitorous puppet is destoying
    The United States of America. McCarthy is going to keep stalling. As Pence, another RINO says, the American people are not his concern.


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