McCaskill : DNC employees ‘should all be fired’ – IOTW Report

McCaskill : DNC employees ‘should all be fired’

WaEx: Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., called Tuesday for Democratic National Committee employees to be fired for sending emails that exposed the party’s bias toward Hillary Clinton.

“The content was terrible, they should all be fired,” McCaskill admitted in an interview on Fox News Tuesday night.

McCaskill had been reluctant to address the scandal. She opened the segment by bashing Republicans for not being able to woo former presidents into attending their convention last week, calling it a “real contrast” from the Democratic convention.

But host Greta Van Susteren pushed back, telling the moderate Democrat her party had issues of its own, including the leaking of 20,000 staff emails that showed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders was blocked from winning the race.  MORE

12 Comments on McCaskill : DNC employees ‘should all be fired’

  1. Good luck with that, Claire. Your party just rewarded the DNC corruption queen with a job on Hillary’s staff and won’t hold a known felon responsible for her actions, preferring instead to nominate her for president.

    Fish rots from the head down–if Hillary gets elected, not only will her entire administration be corrupt, but no one will ever be held accountable.

  2. Typical Demonrat behavior – hide your head in the sand while the corruption goes on for a year and only bark about it AFTER the damning e-mails come to light.

    She’s a filthy fuckin hypocrite – she knew all along, just as they all did, and now pretends to be SHOCKED! Shocked, she tells you!

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Coattails are in tatters, the rats are jumping ship. Killery has left them all with a dead chicken tied to their necks and the stink will be mighty when their reelections come up. Look for a bunch of D’s to be calling themselves I’s.

  4. Eve had to have been a democrat; had to be! Just ask Adam what he thinks.

    Eve must have been an emotional, hypocritical mass of conflicting impulses – and the world has been suffering for it ever since.

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