McCaskill’s radio ad says, ‘She’s not one of those crazy Democrats’ – IOTW Report

McCaskill’s radio ad says, ‘She’s not one of those crazy Democrats’


Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill released a campaign ad saying she’s “not one of those crazy Democrats,” just less than two weeks before the Nov. 6 midterm election.

McCaskill, who is in a tight race against Republican state Attorney General Josh Hawley, released a radio ad that has run throughout the week. In the ad, two men explain why they are going to vote for the incumbent Democratic senator over Hawley, saying that he spends too much time at the gym and buys too much wine “during work hours,” The Washington Free Beacon reported.

“Claire’s not one of those crazy Democrats. She works right in the middle and finds compromise,” one man says in the ad.

“I don’t always agree with Claire McCaskill. But she works hard, fighting against those tariffs, doing all those town halls,” the other man continues. “Claire’s not afraid to stand up against her own party.” read more

16 Comments on McCaskill’s radio ad says, ‘She’s not one of those crazy Democrats’

  1. @Pelopidas October 26, 2018 at 10:00 am

    > But, if she wins her seat gives “those” bat-crap crazy Democrats the keys of power.
    > And that’s the problem.

    You spend to much time at the pencil sharpener. And mathifyin’ during work hours.

  2. “Middle of the Road” … “Centrist” … “Compromiser” …

    Euphemisms for “Believes in Nothing” … “Fickle” … “Opportunist” … “Sellout” …

    One can “compromise” on details – NOT on Principles – unless one is feckless.

    Immigration: “Open Borders” is not compatible (or compromisable) with “Legal Organized Immigration.”

    The Right to Self-Defense: “Gun Control” is not compatible with “The right of the People to keep AND BEAR arms.” Every animal will defend itself and its progeny – except humans in Detroit, New York, Massachusetts, England, Germany, France, Maryland, Illinois, &c. – Utter insanity.

    “I Want You Dead” is not compatible (or compromisable) with “I Don’t Want to be Dead.”

    “I’m Entitled to the Fruits of Your Labor” is not compatible (or compromisable) with “You Are NOT Entitled to Anything of Mine.”

    This is obvious and self-evident to all but the most seriously disturbed.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Serious Question:
    Who do we call to stage an intervention on NBC and CNN? The Feds need to step in and have a TALK with Philip T. “Phil” Griffin and Jeffrey Adam “Jeff” Zucker.
    Jeffs and Phils intentional fear mongering and purposeful misinformation is a see-through tactic to stoke terror into the public.
    We all see it.
    We need someone to do something.
    Not phoney letters with phoney TV Blinky Lights.
    Actual Public Safety measures.
    At least disuss it PUBLICLY.
    They really are the Enemy of the People. Every People.

    Jeffrey Adam “Jeff” Zucker
    Philip T. “Phil” Griffin

    Call the FBI. Call your Senator. Call your Rep.

  4. Remember a while ago they were talking about running as centrists during midterms and then reverting back to hard left once they were re-elected. Don’t fall for it. It’s all total BS.

  5. “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    I was complaining about smokers throwing their cigarette butts on the sidewalk in front of my home before walking across the street to drop their kids off at school. There were a half dozen smokers present when I was talking about it and to a person they were the loudest to condemn those who smoke and throw their butts on the ground and went on to say they never do that.

    The problem with that denial is that there isn’t a single one of them who I haven’t witnessed throwing their butts on the ground.

    Count your spoons is always good advice, when it is a politician proclaiming their virtue…. You do the math.


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