McConaughey Productions Loaded with Weapons – IOTW Report

McConaughey Productions Loaded with Weapons


While he’s now loudly calling for gun control from the Joe Biden White House briefing room, Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey has made a small fortune executive producing and starring in TV and movies using guns. Indeed he starred in and produced the first season of HBO’s acclaimed crime series True Detective, which featured 11 guns and a hand grenade in one season. More

16 Comments on McConaughey Productions Loaded with Weapons

  1. Same thing as Sylvester Stallone…….(too) highly paid actor, uses lots of guns in his action pics, wants to take those same guns from everyone else. Ever since “Cliffhanger”, I haven’t watched another SS (sayyyy….”SS”….Nazi SchutzStaffel. coincidence?…) movie. Not even The Expendables series.
    Sorry, MM, I’ve seen my last pic with you in it. No more money from me to you.
    OR…..”get woke, go broke”.

  2. Since they are paid pretenders they don’t even see their obvious hypocrisy.
    All actors now remind me of the movie Easy Rider and the “commune” scene where the actor grifters mooch off the simpleton commies and the commies realize they are being grifted but don’t know what to do because they are…commies.

  3. One of many definitions of a liberal;

    An ASSHOLE that condemns your way of leading but goes hog-ass wild and stupidly unaccountable when he gets to lead.

    Fuck the libs.

  4. The worst movie for gun violence that I ever saw was “Shoot Em Up”. I’ve seen lots of violent movies, but that was over the line for me.

    Ho-wood has not one bit of sense. Violence and sex are its tickets to billions of dollars in profits, and it has eff-ed up America and the world in the process.

  5. @Brad June 9, 2022 at 9:34 pm

    > I’ve never paid much attention to the “Pretty” people telling me how I should live my life.

    I know you don’t believe, “I Love, you, man!”. But, I’m tellin’ ya’. Don’t go home. Again. Ever. Trust me, on this.

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