McConnell in the Hospital – IOTW Report

McConnell in the Hospital


Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell was hospitalized after tripping at a local hotel, a spokesman for the senator said.

The Kentucky senator, who’s 81, was attending a private dinner in Washington on Wednesday when he tripped. He was admitted to a hospital for treatment, spokesman Doug Andres said.

McConnell’s office did not provide additional detail on his condition or how long he may be absent from the Senate. More

47 Comments on McConnell in the Hospital

  1. Obama: “I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money”

    Take that to heart Mitch. Retire already. I wish it could be, retire or face prosecution but in 2023 that’s totally unrealistic.

  2. Fell attending a private dinner in Washington. Was it Pfizer and Moderna doing a fundraiser for you Mitch? Was the bag of illicit payoffs too great to carry?
    McCONnell, no more corrupt that the Biden Crime family.
    Prosecute Mitch, Willard Romney, every establishment RINO and Democrat who have put Party Politics before the Nation’s needs.

  3. If he only wore a mask, this wouldn’t have happened. Between him and Biden falling, Fetterman whose mentally ill, and Feinstein has herpes, well see these dirt bags put to pasture real soon.

  4. I hope he ends up where he belongs;
    On a fence post, or in a box.
    I’m good with either one.

  5. Maggot tripped over one of the bags of money in his insatiable lust to grasp em all.

    Fuck McConnell – and ALL traitors.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. You know, to be fair, once the chinks bought McConnell, he STAYED BOUGHT!
    Not like a lot of feckless RINOs and Nazi-Demonrats.

    A high-ranking Demonrat once remarked: “If you can’t take their money and then screw em, you’re in the wrong line of work.”
    (Willie Brown)
    Truer words were never spoke.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Good. Now put him on a ventilator and induce a coma. And while you’re at it, triple vax him and amputate both legs for good measure. Other than that, I hope he gets well soon…not.

  8. Well, in fairness, he DID do ONE good thing.

    We aren’t saying “Justice Garland” because of him.

    In honor of that, I propose that on every January 23rd, his grave gets a one-day break from being pissed on.

  9. Put him in hospice with Jimmah Carter.

    …speaking of which, why isn’t THAT traitor dead yet?

    Maybe the devil himself just doesn’t want these jacklegs around.

    Hell is too crowded.

  10. Had J6 been what they tried to PRETEND it was, we’d have been rid of all these geriatric commies ling before today, all at once, and in a MUCH more satisfying and longer term manner.

    If only.

  11. “I would pay money to watch Mitch fall down an escalator for twenty or thirty minutes.” -Irate Nate

    Yeah, but not REAL money, Nate. FED fiat paper. He’s not worth one gram of gold-backed REAL money.

  12. “They had to call in the testudinologist from the Washington Zoo to tell them how to turn him back over.”

    Well, at least he’s off the post. Made in China of course.


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