McConnell Threatens President If He Doesn’t Bend To Uniparty – IOTW Report

McConnell Threatens President If He Doesn’t Bend To Uniparty

Expecting the Democrat majority in the house to impeach the president this spring, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell informed the president that he has the votes to convict (and remove the president from office) if the commander-in-chief refuses their demand to leave troops in place in Afghanistan and Syria. More

41 Comments on McConnell Threatens President If He Doesn’t Bend To Uniparty

  1. There would be no love lost if “Chief Swampum” McConnell were to just happen to meet a vehicle…like a bus…or cab…or train, on his way to the Capitol this evening.

  2. HORSESH!T. This guy is now selling FEAR. Sad!

    The Senate Bill is little more than an opinion, without *any* legal weight to affect Trumps actions. Some kabuki (maneuvering and posturing).

  3. Liberal/progressive GOP are a bigger threat to Americans than the Dems; If you’ve read my comments the last few years you’ve seen this before!

    Mueller was put in place by a progressive GOP President; as were Brennan and Clapper!

    the left has controlled GOP “leaders” for 30 years.

  4. Unbelievable. It’s this sort of action that can trigger a civil war. When the people may a clear choice for change and expect the people they elect to effect that change then get stabbed in the back they will not be in a mood to negotiate. You have to wonder why at this time McConnell chose to make this threat. Maybe it is time for that Tree of Liberty to be refreshed.

  5. Then it looks like war it will be lil Mitch. “`~~Where you gonna hide when we come for you..~~”

    These petty tyrants must think they enjoy the Divine Right of Kings.

  6. @an ole exJarhead February 5, 2019 at 12:45 pm

    > the left has controlled GOP “leaders” for 30 years

    “Controlled” implies their unwillingness. The Party chooses loyal Party members for their loyalty.

  7. Snapping Turtle! Yeow!

    Maybe Cocaine Mitch likes having protesters interrupt his dinner and harassing him and his wife whenever they stick their heads out of their shells.

  8. I’m expecting a massive push for impeachment before the next Surpeme Court pick comes up.

    It will be used to prevent him from making a nomination, the same way Obama’s short remaining tenure in office was used to prevent him picking anyone.

    It would further delegitimize anything he tries to do about the wall or any other major point of his agenda and prevent him from taking action.

    Expect support from many Republicans, even if they don’t follow up in the Senate and remove him from office.

  9. They all view the president {any president} as a transient character who doesn’t quite understand who’s really in charge.
    The pig McConnell has cost us many worthy candidates by strong arming the elected officials under his control and it’s cost us majorities more than once. It’s past time to make a all out effort to get rid of this loathsome piece of shit!

  10. Unfortunately the rules are such that this puke can’t be voted out except when his term is up. Also despite the fact that he directly effects everyone nationally only those in his state can remove him. He couldn’t care less what we think of him because he knows he’s untouchable. Any ideas?

  11. TO Richard P
    That’s *my* point!

    For too long, Sundunce has been long on the emotional Gloom & Doom, and far too short on his (earlier) good research and analysis.

    Add to that having the site infested with trolls makes it almost unreadable these days (exception: a rare few people who post there occasionally have interesting links).

  12. This bastard McConnell’s has all the depth and IQ of the lid off a snoose can. He is out of his league taking on Trump and if he had a lick of common sense would recognize that.

  13. Ask the Senate for a declaration of war. Let them provide that and explain that back in their home districts.

    We haven’t done that since WWII.

    These slimy bastards are feeling the pressure from the MIC who are facing a massive reduction in cash flow.

  14. I wonder about him. Like, do you think he knows he has no soul, or does he just muddle along unaware? Do you think it hurts to not have a soul, or do you not think about it at all?

  15. Mental illness, collusion and self pocket lining greed does not discriminate in the 2 party system, only ensures it.
    Mitch meet Nancy,,,
    We got to get rid of the Mattel voting machines,

  16. the fakest of fake news,this two dollar blog is as truthful as adam Schiff.anyone who believes this shit needs to check themselves,mitch is an american and hes not stupid ,he agrees 100% with trump.

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