McDonald’s customers are hating the new paper straws – IOTW Report

McDonald’s customers are hating the new paper straws

McDonald’s in the UK has gone greenish. They got rid of plastic straws and have introduced paper ones.

People say they suck when they suck on them, collapsing and feeling weird in their mouth.

Hey, do you want to SAVE THE PLANET or not?

What McDonald’s doesn’t realize is that they’ve shown SJWs that they are soft marks. McDonald’s peddles in planet raping cows. Soon they will be vilified until they start selling paper hamburgers.


ht/ illustr8r

25 Comments on McDonald’s customers are hating the new paper straws

  1. Everything comes full circle……I’m in my sixties and remember my paper straw collapsing while drinking my container of chocolate milk. We can put a man on the moon, but not a way for a paper straw to stop being paper and get soggy.

  2. I remember the paper straws. They were junk. The only redeeming quality was they had paper shrouds you could shoot at your friends or wet and ball up the opposing end and stick to the lunchroom ceiling.

  3. You know, paper towels in the restroom are killing the world, and those electric blowers just spew carbon footprints and germs. Let’s go back to that loop of cloth on a roller.

  4. My local Dunkin Donuts just switched from foam cups to paper cups. Time to ditch Dunkin Donuts!

    Here’s my first experience with the new paper cup.

    I get it handed to me through the drive through window. I say, there must be an error, I ordered a large. I’m told, that is a large, it’s their new paper cups. I’m thinking, great, well it looks like you’ve found a way to rip me off for a few ounces of coffee.

    I drop the new coffee filled paper cup into the center console and go on my way. At a light, I go to grab my coffee and the lid pops off. I struggle to get it replaced before the light turns green.

    Cruise control set, I go to take a swig off my new paper cup of coffee. Oh, what’s this? The lid is leaking? Oh, look at the coffee puddle in my cup holder. Let’s press that on there a little tighter and put it in the clean cup holder. A few miles later, man that coffee smells good, let’s get a sip.

    Great, now it just leaked on my shirt! Why does this thing keep leaking? Just out the cup down and drive. Oops, that’s the cup holder with a lake of coffee at the bottom!

    Napkins? I’m out of napkins! Fcuk this, it’s probably biodegradable, let’s see how she flies at 50MPH!

    I quit Dunkin Donuts!

    Leftist goofs ruin everything!

  5. “Let’s go back to that loop of cloth on a roller.”

    …I’m old enough to remember those, @Thirdtwin, and I’m also old enough to remember what those looked like after someone apparently wiped their ass with them, so no thanks…

  6. They have to go back to the design of the paper straws from the 50’s and 60’s. I’d bet cash money the one’s they are using today don’t hold a candle to the old design. I grew up on paper straws ans never had a problem. Sometimes older is better.

  7. Supernightshade, those were the most disgusting things ever. I am quite sure I never touched one. Definitely one of those freakish tumors on capitalism. Must have been the linen and diaper services trying to create another market.

  8. scr_north, when paper was all there was, they were just fine. I never had much trouble finishing my milkshake at Sandy’s. And the unwinding of the straw was a feature, not a bug.

  9. They could always line the inside of paper straws with plastic. DUH! I also remember the rollers with the towels on them and trough like urinals in men’s rooms as well. Does that make me an old fart and a geezer if I can remember those things? Probably!

  10. We have a local restaurant/bar that still uses the rolled cloth towel machine. I’ve always liked them, when they work properly. I think there’s a way to set the machine to dispense the clean roll. Ideally, I want to walk up to it and give it 3 tugs for plenty of towel to dry my hands. However, the one at the bar only let’s you get one tug out of it, then it takes about 10 seconds to reset and provide another tug.

    FWIW, you’re supposed to tug from up by where the towel comes out clean. That way you avoid touching the previously used part.

  11. I grew up with the paper straws also, and I swear when the plastic straws came in, they made drinks taste differently. I prefer the paper ones.
    You just learned not to dilly-dally while drinking or they’ll turn into a soggy mess.

  12. Hollow reeds!
    Sustainable, renewable, and organic!

    Y’know – like James Bond used on “Dr. No” to elude the search party?

    Get that contract for the whole of the UK and you’d make a fortune – parlay it into the EU and you’d be rich as Soros.

    If I was younger …

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Here’s the thing – how do you drink iced tea or a glass of beer at home?
    Right out of the glass.
    Nothing looks more sissy than a grown man sucking on a straw inside a cup of anything.
    Draft beers at the saloon don’t come with straws, mixed drinks don’t have straws, so why does the public insist on straws with their cola? If you’re driving and want a cold drink – buy a bottle of it. geez.

  14. srdem65, I only ever use a straw if I’m taking a refill from a lunch outing. In fact, while I eat at the establishment, I drink from the cup. It’s only after I see there’s no goofs up by the machine, I quickly fill my cup, snap a lid on and jam a straw into it. However, depending on the provided cup and how quickly I’ll get home, I might skip the lid and straw. Not all cups fit all cupholders.

  15. When I was a kid, I really liked those dixie cup icecreams with the flat wooden spoons… wait… off-topic.

    >>>>>>> 95% of the plastic garbage in the oceans comes from China and third-world countries. <<<<<<<


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