McDonald’s Developing New Automated Drive-Thrus to Tackle Biden’s Labor Shortages – IOTW Report

McDonald’s Developing New Automated Drive-Thrus to Tackle Biden’s Labor Shortages

Neon Nettle-

Restaurant chain McDonald’s is developing a new automated system that will allow its drive-thru facilities to operate with fewer human workers, according to reports.

The American fast-food giant is teaming up with tech company IBM to develop a system that will automate the drive-thru process and make the restaurants less reliant on people.

The deal between the two companies comes as Democrat Joe Biden’s policies continue to pummel the U.S. economy.

McDonald’s, like many other businesses across America, is being hit hard by labor shortages that are impacted most sectors of the economy. more here

14 Comments on McDonald’s Developing New Automated Drive-Thrus to Tackle Biden’s Labor Shortages

  1. When the free government money runs out and people start looking for jobs they should have been working at, tbose jobs won’t be there.

    All part of the leftist plan for universal low income.

  2. There always wrecking my fun. I don’t eat that garbage much but when I do I always hand the cashier a twenty dollar bill, wait until the ring it up, and then tell them, Oh wait, I have some change. It’s great fun watching them try and do math in their heads.

  3. Dumb fat fookers sat on the couch for a year getting paid to do nothing, couldn’t get kicked out for not paying rent.
    Small rental companies will go bankrupt and the big conglomerates will buy them @ 50¢ or less on the dollar. How to build new slums 101.
    California, Minneapolis, and Oregon have all ready eliminated single family dwellings. Which means your new neighbors could be 50 immigrants per house.
    Also Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Aims to End Single-Family Zoning.

    My son is the IT manager for a POS (Point of Sale) company. Many of the fast food places already have work from home, order takers. Also SMART tech in the menu boards scan your vehicle and if it sees kids, the menu board changes to kids meals.
    Big Brother is here.

  4. Different Tim

    I did it at a grocery store last week. The cashier had to pull her phone out and use the calculator. I told her the answer right before she started banging on her key board. She looked at me with amazement. “Wow, you’re right”. Another reason to home school your kids. New math sucks and another reason Asian countries kick are asses.

  5. This is what happens when you demand a “minimum living wage” (living? really? W-T-F!?) for a no skill, no education, no experience job.

  6. IBM is an entity which cooperated with nazi germans to create ‘passports’ intended for the monitoring of nazi victims. IBM is also planning, along with other suspect corporations and the pedo Biden admin, to develop these same ‘passports’ against American citizens as a tracking-tracing implement as do the Communist Chinese with their own people. No surprise that CCP-owned and operated McD will follow suit with their own underhanded human-tracking system with the assist of the nazi-embracing IBM which is also an affiliate-accomplice of ‘the weather channel’ and data-tracking entities. IBM should not be applauded or trusted and neither should McD be.

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