McStain Lying Through His Smelly Yellow Teeth To His Constituents – IOTW Report

McStain Lying Through His Smelly Yellow Teeth To His Constituents

I never thought it possible to hate a politician more than Ted Kennedy. Coincidentally, both got the same brain cancer.

37 Comments on McStain Lying Through His Smelly Yellow Teeth To His Constituents

  1. Die in agony McVain, you rotten scumbag. And then burn in hell forever. What a total dick. I’ll bet this cocksucker sung like a bird at the Hanoi Hilton. Fucking over his own side is clearly in his core nature.

  2. you have to wonder how long he has had the brain condition, and where his really poor judgement began

    i think on a ranch, you would put a bullet thru any cattle with such such a defunct mind, and sell as hamburger

  3. I said it before. When not in power, republicans roar like lions. They offer bills that are the right thing to do, knowing they will be defeated. thus Blaming the democrats. Give them the power, and they fear the responsibility. The lions revert to mewling kittens, afraid of their own shadows. Fkem all to hell.

  4. Ain’t he in for a surprise?

    Being a sleazy liar has paid BIG dividends (here on Earth) but I kind of wonder how that’s all gonna play out when he tries to lie to God Almighty, Himself!

    God may not find it as cute and endearing as do the voters of Arizona.

    Time will tell.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well, at least you can look at him while he’s rambling and realize that even as we watch his brain is dying and that it’s unlikely he’s going to be around much longer.

  6. Time to go home and take a pill as your true leader once declared. You’re too old for surgery, you’re a burden on society, do the right thing john and bow out gracefully.

  7. “to those whom much was given, much was expected, and much will be answered for…”

    Yes I believe God will hold us accountable for those things we intentionally did when we knew it was bad to do them. I am not judging I am am stating God’s word that says if you live by a standard of rules, you can judge others by those same rules, as long as they apply to yourself.

    I know my shortcomings and believe me I’m definitely getting one of those tiny houses in heaven.

  8. From twitter feed:




    Replying to @scaramuicci

    Mccain has brain cancer, Collins has Parkinsons. Strip away their exemption and leave them both to die on Obamacare like we the people.

    View conversation ·    

  9. McStain – Chairman of the Swamp. Progressives are in total control of Arizona politics. Are there any conservatives left in Arizona?
    The traitorous move McStain made may have doomed the nation to a rotting corpse of Obamacide death care for a very long time. The problem is Trump may feel he has no choice but to replace Obamacide with the single payer genocide option – God forbid. Praying the people of the United States take up their responsiblity to drain the swamp and stop DemonRat lovers like McStain.

  10. Since he is going to die soon he fell on his sword for his fellow RepublicRATS and gave them political cover for when they run for reelection! They can now claim that they voted to repeal Obamacare without having it actually repealed! Surely they are all tipping a glass today to their best buddy John McCain!

  11. He is really in no position to be making any decisions at work.
    He should have left ,resigned gone home because of a serious health issue. Try pulling that at where you work. Another thought He just might get some Fantastic treatment and pull
    through. similar to R B Ginsberg, or Jimmah Carter.

  12. Hans, I’m imagining a very tiny house in heaven for myself too. Who knows, maybe you’ll be very pleasantly surprised to learn the Lord gives you a mansion. Either way, you’re in His presence forever!

  13. BFH July 28, 2017 at 4:33 pm

    The longest anyone has ever lived with this form of brain cancer is 5 years.
    The average length of survival time from diagnosis is 15 months.

    McPain will go faster than that. He’s 80, he’s spiteful and full of rage. Brain cancer does some numbers on your thought process, and he’s susceptible to bouts of outrage and seizures. McPain will go down fast, I got some money on it. He has less than 6 months and I’m being charitable.

  14. McStain, like Hillary is a two time presidential race loser.
    The respect I had of him is diminished and I never had much to begin with.
    “Only you can prevent a Forrest Fire.” – 134 dead sailors
    Songbird is the best ace the enemy ever had.

  15. My Girlfriends husband (neighbors next door) had this as well, He showed signs w/in 3 months. it is and was a nightmare. He was able to die at home. About 12 months.

  16. He did it out of spite. There is a lot of hate in his heart. Predict he will change his affiliation to independent and caucus the dims along with Collins and Murkowski. The President will have to make a lot of recess appointments otherwise none will be confirmed.

  17. McStain gives a thumbs down and then runs away like the pussy POW he was and then scurries to hide behind his brain cancer. Hope he starts shitting his pants soon.

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