McTurtle Actually Makes a Great Floor Speech About the Slime That is Oozing From the Left Side of the Aisle – IOTW Report

McTurtle Actually Makes a Great Floor Speech About the Slime That is Oozing From the Left Side of the Aisle

18 Comments on McTurtle Actually Makes a Great Floor Speech About the Slime That is Oozing From the Left Side of the Aisle

  1. I wouldn’t trust him to tell me if I’m about to get hit by a train. He is not convincing, unless of course he was saying his reason for getting into politics was power and personal enrichment.

  2. It doesn’t much matter what Mitch says at this point. We, the people, already know we are at war.
    Guerilla warfare by the left is merely a tactic.

    Well by golly I’m already engaged in the same tactic leading into the battle of 2018.
    I can fuck them harder than they can fuck me. We all will.

    Hit us with your best, sons of Karl Marx. We appreciate your rush into our kill zone.
    Kill shots will be executed at the ballot box and your foolhardy fucktwats will be piled up like cord wood by the electorate come November 6.

  3. This kunt knows the ultimate outcome which is Brett will be confirmed. He wants to jump on the bandwagon to get a little Trump fame to boost his poll numbers. Otherwise, he would never talk trash about his masters in the senate, what an insincere douche.

  4. McCONnell just realized he was Leader of the Senate?

    Similar to the little dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, but McCONnell doesn’t show up until the Dyke has been breached.

    He’s “turtle” slow.

  5. nothing scares me more than The Turtle coming out & assuring everyone that Kavanaugh will be confirmed

    … just like he assured us that ObamaCare would be overturned

    but the speech was pretty good

  6. The double talking repubics are playing both sides. Saying what their voters want to hear but dragging on the delays and aiding and helping the demorats create chaos and smear this innocent man and his family. They knew they would allow for more outrageous and despicable claims of dildos, gang rapes, porno stars and disgusting vile lies by dregs they recruited from the gutter. Another week of chaos that will give an excuse for Collins to say she is confused and uncertain, and for Flake and Corker to say “this changes everything” and we need to slow down. The repubics are co conspirators that helped this whole thing go down. They are running out the clock.

  7. It’s not Senator McConnell that I’m worried about. It is Senators Collins, Flake and Murkowski who are trembling at the thought of having to take a stand against character assassination and guilt by slanderous innuendo promoted by obvious mental cases. This is a major battle in the War of Liberal Aggression. Forget about any of the Democrats crossing over for Kavanaugh. They have their hand wringing, brow wrinkling, thoughtful sounding excuses for why this Left Wing Lynching has got to proceed until the FBI and the Creepy Porn Shyster have thoroughly examined all these unprovable allegations. I hope this nonsense forces these three weaklings to realize that they are being used to destroy a very decent man and his family and the Constitution they swore to defend and uphold.

  8. Whatever the fuck. All I got to say is, if Brett Kavanaugh is not seated in the Supreme Court. I will never vote again and I will never give another penny to any politician, ever. I will go to my grave, confident that America is fucked, despite the efforts of 60 million deplorables and a brave President. God help us.
    We are not only deplorables, but dregs also, according to Gropper of the Year, Joe Biden.

  9. I’m with you Tom, if this shit doesn’t stop I can see we are going to be headed for a bloody (and I do mean BLOODY)civil war. Only this time it won’t be North vs. South it will be RIGHT vs. EVIL!


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