MD Gov. Wes Moore Apologizes for Falsely Calling Himself a Bronze Star Recipient – IOTW Report

MD Gov. Wes Moore Apologizes for Falsely Calling Himself a Bronze Star Recipient


Democrat Maryland Gov. Wes Moore has apologized for falsely labeling himself a Bronze Star recipient on a White House application in 2006.

Though Wes Moore served in the Army Reserve between 1996 and 2014, deploying to Afghanistan between August 2005 and March 2006, winning the National Defense Service Medal, he stated on his 2006 application for a White House fellowship that won a Bronze Star. He never received such an award.

25 Comments on MD Gov. Wes Moore Apologizes for Falsely Calling Himself a Bronze Star Recipient

  1. .” But it seems I must, once again, set the record straight, as people hunt for new ways to undermine my service to our country in uniform,” he added.”…..The bronze star was never pinned on your fucking chest you fucking asshole….

  2. I can’t decide what is worse; lying about something that is ridiculously easy to check, or being stupid enough to think you could get away with lying about something so easy to check. There are a few other character flaws to consider as well: poor judgement, false pride, cheating, and an unconscionable disregard for the honor reserved for Bronze Star recipients.

    a perfect politician, but we deserve better.

  3. willysgoatgruff

    Much better than I could have put it. Are these assholes this desperate? I mean WTF? Your service records are in the public domain. Are you this stupid? Or this desperate? The sad thing is, he’ll probably get elected.

  4. @Brad….Our lille farm store offers veterans a 10% discount on Tuesdays….It’s impossible for me to pretend to be a veteran for monetary gain or any gain whatsoever….

  5. God Bless you Willy. I purchased some tire for my truck a couple months back. 5% discount for veterans. The dumpy 30 year old behind the counter kept trying to talk me into taking the discount. I fit the age group. There’s no way. I think it’s called integrity. Same as you. We might be throw backs that are becoming extinct. LOL. Or not.

  6. If annything an insincere pseudo apology adds insult to injury and is what anyone with any common sense and experience expects from anyone who commits stolen valor, particularly when done to advance political aspects. What is just as bad as the stolen valor is anyone and everyone who would demand that others accept the insincere pseudo apologies of subhuman piece of shit politicians as in anything other that self serving bullshit that they patently are nothing but.

  7. What I am saying is that the bastard’s motivation for “apologizing” is less that noble. I’ll go farther and say that there has never one time ever been a politician who “apologized” for stolen valor, who didn’t immediately resign or end their campaign that was the least bit sincere. Ever.

  8. “…Winning the National Defense Service Medal…”
    A medal anyone in the US Military, no matter how much or little they did, is awarded simply for being on active duty anytime after 9/11. It’s literally the “Thank you for your service, would you like some fries with that” medal!
    I have two of them!

  9. lie about anything to make yo-sef look better or an opponent look worse. proclaim victory after being defeated. apologize if caught in the act. part of pedocrat & muslim dna.

  10. Face it….
    The demonrats and the retardicans….
    will do everything in their power….
    to destroy a third or fourth party….
    (Like what happened to the tea party)

    d/r’s are owned by $….
    either corporations, ngo’s or rich billionaires….

    A good start is term limits for everyone….
    and return to senators appointed by….
    the state legislatures per the original constitutional plan.


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