Meanwhile, at the NRA Convention – IOTW Report

Meanwhile, at the NRA Convention

President Trump Withdraws From U.N. Arms Trade Treaty at NRA Convention.

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.—President Donald Trump signed an executive order on stage on Friday afternoon to withdraw the United States from the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) at the National Rifle Association’s (NRA’s) annual convention, as a surprise gift to the nation’s largest Second Amendment advocacy group.

The United States signed on to ATT in 2013 under the Obama administration, but the treaty has not yet been ratified by Congress. The treaty aims to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons.


Man Charged After Cell Phone Was Thrown on Stage During Trump’s Speech at NRA Convention.

A man has been charged with disorderly conduct after he allegedly threw his cellphone onto the stage during President Donald Trump’s speech at the National Rifle Association (NRA) convention on Friday, April 26.

Law enforcement sources told Fox News that the man, identified as William Rose, was charged by the Marion County Sheriff on Friday. They added that Rose was intoxicated at the event.

The incident was first reported after a video was posted to social media, taken by attendee Bradley Brewer, showing a black object flying through the air before landing on the stage as the president was approaching the lectern to make his speech to gun rights supporters at the convention in Indianapolis.

7 Comments on Meanwhile, at the NRA Convention

  1. So a man gets violent and tries to attack the President at a convention of gun owners and 2nd amendment supporters but no one gets shot.

    Imagine that.

    I’m sure the left would have predicted a bloodbath with that many gun owners present.

  2. I attended the NRA convention yesterday when Trump and Pence spoke … the energy from the crowd was enormous !! I was not near the stage, so did not even witness the cell-phone throwing. The crowd was on its feet, almost all the time.

    Senator Ted Cruz and Governor Bevin (Kentucky) also spoke after that — both terrific. Bevin is someone to watch. Our two Indiana Senators (Young & Braun) were disappointments, especially Mike Braun – no energy whatsoever! Makes Jeb Bush look lively. Todd Young is turning into a political hack/RINO/reach across the aisle dope.


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